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Just wanted to say in TTT there is awp and m4a1s I feel having a awp I always get rdm'd for having a awp on my back and its not mine in my opinion think you guys should make the awp a weapon everyone can get. Since lots of people get rdm'd for having awp on there back.

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Just wanted to say in TTT there is awp and m4a1s I feel having a awp I always get rdm'd for having a awp on my back and its not mine in my opinion think you guys should make the awp a weapon everyone can get. Since lots of people get rdm'd for having awp on there back.


An AWP is a powerful weapon that if everyone had, would just turn it into an overpowered sniping free for all. Having an AWP is KOS, unless you (as an innocent) call it out first that you are picking up a T's awp. You can still be killed for having an awp on you, but it's the risk you should take for picking it up. If you somehow manage to "accidentally" pick one up, drop it (or pay attention to what primary you're using).

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The awp is a 1 shot kill weapon, everyone would use it and we already have snipers like scouts or even scoped weapons like augs or the sg 553. Awp's are also able to penetrate T room walls most of the time, and if people could just shoot back that strategy would be fucked. If you keep on getting killed for apparently not calling it out, say it louder. It should be your fault that they didn't know unless multiple people saw you pick it up or if it was extremely obvious that you called it out.

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If you don’t have the weapon equipped it won’t show. If you find an awp from a dead T or dead body in general just say “I have a T’s awp” or “I picked up a T’s awp”. For a safer way make a chat bind for it so if you do get killed for it if put in chat the admins have proof that you claimed it if they didn’t hear you say it.

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I don't really understand the logic here. The AWP is an expensive but effective weapon reserved for traitors who managed to kill a detective. Wouldn't making it available to everyone devalue its purpose? If people are killing you for simply having an AWP on your back that's against the rules - record and make a player complaint if it happens multiple times and it's the same person, or !calladmin so we can come on. Alternatively, have them read the !rules :). I personally haven't experienced this at all, so I'm a little concerned. People shouldn't be shooting you simply for having an AWP, unless no detectives have died or it's literally 5 seconds into the round and they watched you buy the gun. Changing a gameplay mechanic to fit the narrative of a select few individuals who believe the AWP is KOSable seems odd.

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Multiple answers in here, all correct in their own ways.


I'll give it nice and sweet, we have a plugin that hides whatever gun(s) you have on you so you can't just be called out. In the past when we didn't have it-it was a little harder for people to hide an awp because of how distinct the weapon looked. If you happen to come across an awp on the ground, the best way to not be kos'd or rdm'd is to callout the owner of the awp. "I have X's awp" simple as that... Hell.. if you're a t, you can callout a dead teammates name and say it was their awp so you can't be kos'd or rdm'd. You can do the same exact things for the m4a1-s, but it's not kos'able since it's a detective item and they can drop it.


Rules, damage scales, and other aspects on the server are different to others, the reason awps are kos'd is because it's a powerful weapon that can 1-shot from long ranges and 1-way glass only penetrable by awp shots.

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