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How im feeling this moment

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So im feeling slightly lonely like life is out to get me but hey atleast im alive and have wifi and house and parents. So life cant be that bad can it? One thing i do wish though is i focused more in school so i want to college and was able to get a degree. But i ask you did you accomplish everything you did in your life so far? Ask yourself this and give me a answer if you dont mind.

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I don't think I have accomplished many things in my life thus far. I have a job that pays me an exorbitant salary for my age and I am going to attend the school I have always wanted to. Until I have a job in the field i'm studying for and a collection of cars including a Subaru WRX STI, Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 7, and a 1990s Mazda Miata, I don't want to say I have accomplished anything.

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I do live a very nice and cushy life at home with my parents but I am getting bored of my lavish lifestyle. I recently moved out to Syria to get a different view of life. While I do miss the constant internet and power access and the air conditioning, moving here really has changed my view on life. Sometimes the gunshots do get a little bit annoying but it's life, what are you going to do? Would I go back to my old life? Probably, but I am stuck here so I do not have an option.

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I'm 19 barely completed highschool with C's and D's haven't had a girlfriend in over 11 years (if you can call it a girlfriend at that age)and haven't done anything notable since graduating highschool. I get paid minimal wage for working as a mechanic and get burned, cut, and bruised everyday. Hoping I can do something in the video game industry but more then likely I won't be able to since college cost so much and it's hard to have free time with a 12h job and any time I have free I try to use to get on the servers. But hey you never know what's in store for the future why look to the past on something you can't change? Just look ahead and try to do the best you can at anything you do. No real reason not to give 100% on anything since you won't be able to redeem it. Anyways mates in short just do the best you can and don't look down on the things that aren't going well just look for the good in the bad.

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Some times I lose focus on what is important in life but then when I concentrate for a few days on what I want I find guidance. I'm just a man floating around in this world looking for purpose. I just remember what is my one true goal in life. I strive for one thing and one thing only. Halo on PC. I live my life day in and day out waiting for Halo to come to PC so that I can play all of my favorite games all day. I just hope that this truly will satisfy my needs to play games and that I won't be lost in this cosmic soup of lost direction when I play other games waiting for something to bring me some semblence of completion.

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I'm going on 17 and in my senior year while living in english's closest, he lets me come out every now and then to play but other than that if I come out uninvited I get whipped. I take online classes for my school and some college courses and because I live in english's room it smells like shit cause he wants to try and be a man and made himself throw up and it fucking smelt like shit

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I went from a loser who played video games all day in his parents house to a loser who plays video games all day in his parents house while going to college and making more money than his parents do together.


I think that's a pretty good accomplishment.

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I’m currently suffering from a loss of a girlfriend, everyday after school we would walk home together and I would take the extra half hour to walk her back to her house. Most days of the week we facetimed for hours, and we in general were pretty perfect together. In the past years together we had some classes together, and we always seemed to get in the way of the teacher. I was so close to making it to third base when something tragic happened to her. I spilled my water on her shirt in the middle of class, which totally embarrassed her. Later she wouldn’t respond to my texts, and eventually I had to think of something. I went up to her house with some flowers and a prepared love speech, just to find out that her entire family was brutally stabbed. I ran inside to help her, but instead I knocked over a vase and broke open her skull. Later at her funeral, it finally dawned upon me that she was also a 3’8” dude named liso. I could never trust any female again after that relationship. Can’t believe I couldn’t realize sooner seeing that he had a beard. No wonder the kids called me weird. He did have the weight to pull off man boobs though.

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Currently a 19 year old university student dreaming of one day becoming a dentist and opening up my own office to help financially unstable patients get proper oral care. Until the day comes where I can have my first patient come into the office and leave without having to pay a dime, I would not have accomplished everything I have wanted in life.

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