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MS1: Changing Rules for Crossfire

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So @Trazz has told me to break up my post into 6 posts to not derail discussion, so I'm going point by point.


"It was crossfire, my bad. Not slaying though."


Crossfire is a rule implemented with good intentions, but has been delivering bad results. Crossfire for Jailbreak is just association for TTT. Now, instead of a CT making an effort to only kill the one rebelling T in a stack, it's all too common for a CT to target the T as much as possible, and if they kill anyone else in the process, "well who gives a fuck, I'll just claim crossfire and not slay". Yeah, the admin might have seen a CT just kill 6 people in the killfeed, but they didn't see it happen, so they can't act. Crossfire has also allowed for CTs/Epic Bosses to take more risky engagements against Ts with weapons. Before crossfire was abused, if someone had a pistol with other Ts in medic, you bring the Ts out, line them up, find the pistol, and take it. Now, Epic Bosses can try to fire into medic to kill the person with the pistol, commonly crossfiring other Ts that are being used as bait. I propose that a CT can only claim crossfire for either 1 or 2 collateral kills. Anything over that and crossfire should not cover them. If this rule change was implemented, not only could admins slay CTs who crossfire over that amount, but players can go back to policing other players to slay for crossfire like how it was before crossfire started to be abused. I play CT, and when I crossfire multiple people trying to kill a rebeller who is using them as bait, I slay. I don't have to, but I just ruined the round for the people I killed. I'd much rather be forced to slay for crossfire, then let the Epic Bosses use crossfire as an excuse to get a 4K.


TL;DR: Using crossfire as an excuse to spray in stacks. Rule: Crossfire only applies for 1/2 collateral kills. After that, slay.

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I propose that a CT can only claim crossfire for either 1 or 2 collateral kills. Anything over that and crossfire should not cover them. If this rule change was implemented, not only could admins slay CTs who crossfire over that amount, but players can go back to policing other players to slay for crossfire like how it was before crossfire started to be abused. I'd much rather be forced to slay for crossfire, then let the Epic Bosses use crossfire as an excuse to get a 4K.




In the FAQ it states this about crossfire:

Crossfire is when a CT is trying to shoot a T that is not following an order/rebelling, and other Ts are shot/killed in the firefight. Most of the time it is not freekilling, but if a CT is clearly going out of his way to "crossfire" then he can be punished. But the vast majority of the time crossfire is simply that, an accident. CTs do not have to slay for crossfire, but if an admin deems they're abusing the rule to freekill or carelessly spraying people down they can act.


Admins can still punish players if they are going out of their way to do so and the use of crossfire is not an excuse for spraying into a crowd. When claiming crossfire it generally consists of 1-2 kills at most and anything higher than that IS FREE KILLING. This was also discussed here.

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It really seems like you are blowing a lot of these situations out of proportion. You're talking about "back then when we were able to line T's out of medic and pick out the pistol", that was like two weeks ago, relax. Also, who is this "Epic Bosses" you're referring to. @Trazz summed this post up pretty much.

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It really seems like you are blowing a lot of these situations out of proportion. You're talking about "back then when we were able to line T's out of medic and pick out the pistol", that was like two weeks ago, relax. Also, who is this "Epic Bosses" you're referring to. @Trazz summed this post up pretty much.

Epic boss is a guy I have seen tell all ts to get out of their cell and go to the bottom of main cell stairs unstacked then mumble "under it" and proceed to spray down the ts in whatever position he pleases. I've seen him do it a multitude of times and he claims to give warning shots, but just shoots each t in a way that would end up hitting the other ts and claim that he did warning shot. He sometimes doesn't even do that, he just straight up sprays the crowd. I didn't record it cause I didn't feel like it, but I've seen him do it a bunch of times.

Edit: He ends up killing at least a couple of Ts everytime he does this.

Edit: Reading his post back I think he was just referring to CTs as Epic Bosses, but there is a player by the name of xx_epicboss_xx (that's not the full name just along those lines) that does it.

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Epic boss is a guy I have seen tell all ts to get out of their cell and go to the bottom of main cell stairs unstacked then mumble "under it" and proceed to spray down the ts in whatever position he pleases. I've seen him do it a multitude of times and he claims to give warning shots, but just shoots each t in a way that would end up hitting the other ts and claim that he did warning shot. He sometimes doesn't even do that, he just straight up sprays the crowd. I didn't record it cause I didn't feel like it, but I've seen him do it a bunch of times.

Edit: He ends up killing at least a couple of Ts everytime he does this.

Edit: Reading his post back I think he was just referring to CTs as Epic Bosses, but there is a player by the name of xx_epicboss_xx (that's not the full name just along those lines) that does it.


Oh man if only there was a way for you to record this and upload it to a section of our site for review. Maybe we could call it player complaints?

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Oh man if only there was a way for you to record this and upload it to a section of our site for review. Maybe we could call it player complaints?


Just post this to half of Aelius' posts, because most of these issues are ignorant players who are breaking the rules or using loopholes to abuse.

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I don't think theres anything we can do about it as a community about this, ie. implement some new rule. as idealist stated youre not required to slay yourself so this really only comes down to admins punishing players or player complaints. if anything, i wouldnt mind seeing a rule where you have to make T's freeze and unstack before spraying them down as long as no ct has been shot/killed yet, though i doubt anything will be changed or added as there isnt really a need for it

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Oh man if only there was a way for you to record this and upload it to a section of our site for review. Maybe we could call it player complaints?


I have a shit computer and didn't feel like recording. The only way I can record is by using OBS and that makes my fps drop to 10. Trust me, I've tried everything.

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if anything, i wouldnt mind seeing a rule where you have to make T's freeze and unstack before spraying them down as long as no ct has been shot/killed yet, though i doubt anything will be changed or added as there isnt really a need for it


Why require CT's to follow a protocol if a T has a gun. That would restrict the CT's ability to do certain things, making it harder to control the situation. I'm not going to go into detail, but this would be a bad idea.

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