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mic vs chat orders

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FO order was "un-restricted freeday" and a seperate CT gave a chat order of "no kitchen" after the fact


He killed a guy who went in kitchen


My question is was he allowed to? 'cause it seems to me that since mic orders override chat orders, then restricting something would negate an "un-restricted" freeday, but just wanted to see what admins thought because tbh I'm not 100% sure how that should have played out.

Edited by Trazz
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first off you cant give freedays in fo lol. second, i believe he is allowed to restrict areas unless another ct revokes that restriction. however you must give warning shots for restricted area unless its a kos location like catwalk. ive seen players like Tagwrack or other non mic cts restrict freedays with chat orders and no ones had a problem with it. yes mic orders override chat orders but thats mainly when mic orders come after the chat order.

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If it was not during !fo I would not find the chat order to be conflicting as any other order can revoke a freeday and you cannot conflict when revoking freedays or giving orders after that.


• CTs are NEVER required to give freedays, and they can be revoked at any time. All other orders override a freeday.

• Conflicting orders are any orders that conflict with a previously given order. Revoking a freeday for another order is not conflicting.




The player who gave the initial freeday is in the wrong as you cannot give freedays or special orders in !fo. In situations where this occurs it'd be best to wait for !fo to end if an admin is not on and revoke it.

• CTs cannot give Freedays or Special Orders while !fo is active, this includes the person who takes First Order.
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To answer your question, it is not a freekill as any CT can give orders as long as it's not conflicting orders. revoking a un restricted freeday or adding something else to it is not conflicting in anyway.


Also it is the T's responsibility to pay attention to chat orders too.

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To add onto what @Trazz and @Dom said, the freeday was given during the first order. Even though it’s not allowed you might as well go with it until you can revoke it. My issue is with the wording of the sentence it sounds like the separate ct restricted kitchen DURING the first order, which would negate it.

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To add onto what @Trazz and @Dom said, the freeday was given during the first order. Even though it’s not allowed you might as well go with it until you can revoke it. My issue is with the wording of the sentence it sounds like the separate ct restricted kitchen DURING the first order, which would negate it.

It wouldn't negate the restriction. It should still be free-day no kitchen, doesn't matter if it was said during or after the free-day, it's still a restriction.

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To add onto what @Trazz and @Dom said, the freeday was given during the first order. Even though it’s not allowed you might as well go with it until you can revoke it. My issue is with the wording of the sentence it sounds like the separate ct restricted kitchen DURING the first order, which would negate it.


yea even tho that situation isnt allowed on the server. if no ones gonna revoke it than cts are allowed to add restrictions to the freeday. i get your point that if it was in FO then “technically” it doesnt count as an order because only the fo ct can give orders. however theres little to no difference if the ct said it in chat 10-15sec later. yes its still against the rules and all that but this particular situation almost never happens so i dont think its that big of a deal. plus i think he was mainly asking about chat orders restricting a freeday given by mic.


in conclusion regarding the original post, 1) you cant give freedays in first order. 2) yes cts are allowed to restrict freedays regardless if its over mic or in chat. 3) mic orders only override chat orders if the chat order is given first/at the same time. 4) if you restrict an area for a freeday, you still have to give the appropriate warning shots unless that area is automatically kos such as armory catwalk.

i hope this answered all of your questions @fib

Edited by Dom
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