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Russia Invades Ukraine pt 2

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It's just another needless war destabilizing regions and exposing the worlds economic situation for what it is once again. Lets go down the list. UAE won't pick up the call from the US. CHECK. China threatens Western nations if they hold them accountable for saying/doing nothing. CHECK. Russia threatens to close up the shop for oil and nationalize. CHECK. Proxy wars continue to be fought, we handshake with a few frenemies, we frown at a few humanitarian oopsies and yay Ukraine is still standing but make no mistake there are no guarantees & there are no silver linings to this situation.


Putin is; by all rights- a dumb cunt for this but it's the rest of the world & most importantly Ukraine who will have to deal with most of the fallout. The side commentaries about stuff like Gas Prices, Palestine, US Imperialism, NATO, and so on continue to be mostly unhelpful if not hurtful.


I add this, especially since a lot of most of the insightful comments online have come from the US. I really liked it much better when Americans would take their dumb kids to school and shut the fuck up, had no outlet to spew their bullshit. Every day living here & having to hear the million & 1th new angle by someone out on the social climb is hell. Every current event seems to be another opportunity for a group to divide as many as they can for their gain in their disgusting pissant echo chambers. A million fucking political scientists, sociology majors, podcasters, and conmen. Nothing has made me more happy than to see Facebook/META drop down to pre-COVID stock levels because they're a genuinely terrible company. Americans themselves have become the worlds bitch eating up propaganda and years down the line it's going to be very nice to watch people admit how extreme they are actually were & laugh at them for it. It's only now we're even beginning to reach the level of intelligence that we're starting to have the general capacity to not get manipulated by literal fucking bots. How lovely.


I wish for peace in Europe, in Ukraine, and hope that it comes at the cost of ego, not of human lives & living condition.

Glory to Ukraine.

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On 3/10/2022 at 3:37 PM, All Ts said:

It's just another needless war destabilizing regions and exposing the worlds economic situation for what it is once again.



Take your meds and a few minutes to consider things might be a little more complicated and nuanced than your off the shelf western understanding of things.


On 3/10/2022 at 3:37 PM, All Ts said:

China threatens Western nations if they hold them accountable for saying/doing nothing.

Please disown and help us fight your friend so the both of you will pose less of a threat to us in the future 


On 3/10/2022 at 3:37 PM, All Ts said:

Russia threatens to close up the shop for oil and nationalize.

The West turns it back on Russia time and time again with hundreds of businesses now closing shop in Russia. Looks like we made that decision for them.


On 3/10/2022 at 3:37 PM, All Ts said:

The side commentaries about stuff like Gas Prices, Palestine, US Imperialism, NATO, and so on continue to be mostly unhelpful if not hurtful.

Why? Is it not valid to call into question that the US and other powers place the wellbeing of their people over playing world police/virtue signal? Or do we have some sort of responsibility considering our crucial role in causing this situation?


Ya'll been real quiet now that there's so much to talk about. Zelensky bans political parties. Russia flexes nuclear capable hypersonic missiles. Western media reaches record high levels of ignoring things and making new shit up every day.


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19 hours ago, Gentoo said:

Ya'll been real quiet now that there's so much to talk about. Zelensky bans political parties. Russia flexes nuclear capable hypersonic missiles. Western media reaches record high levels of ignoring things and making new shit up every day.

"So much to talk about"


It's hard to make a clear statement about what's happening in this war when there is constantly misinformation being thrown around. Smarter to stay quiet than spread wrong information in a time where people just want the facts. Propaganda will be thrown around on both sides, obviously, it's fucking war


No one is claiming Zelenskyy is a good guy, it's well known the dude is corrupt and has done stuff to consolidate power during this war. Russia flexing nuclear weapons when threatened by western nations? I wonder what other Asian country we have heard this from! 


Wasting your time on media is a given to drive you mad. The media has been nothing but gobbledygook for years at this point, there's nothing new there. The only notable news moments are the Russian news people walking out and protesting on live state TV. 


19 hours ago, Gentoo said:

Take your meds and a few minutes to consider things might be a little more complicated and nuanced than your off the shelf western understanding of things.

I mean, All Ts has a point, this war has done no good except further destabilize former SSR nations, and show how fragile the global economy is when a couple major sources of grain and a major source of oil becomes unavailable to the global market. Multiple nations are now at risk for further food shortages (namely middle-eastern nations and African nations), and the price of crude oil has spiked globally, making the cost of living around the world to go up even further. 


Gentoo 🤝 Saying something stupid in a political thread

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16 hours ago, Phoenix_ said:

It's hard to make a clear statement about what's happening in this war when there is constantly misinformation being thrown around.

Yes and no. It is difficult to discern certain things with the amount of disinformation going on, but other things are rather straightforward to verify, such as what politicians are saying and doing, what the front (roughly) looks like, what equipment is being used etc. I have a hard time seeing how things are more difficult to discern now than on the last two pages where people were perfectly confident pulling conspiracy theories out of their asses and flinging shit every which way, but for shits and giggles I'll go ahead and provide you with a few things you can try to verify on your own. Let me know if you need any help.


So far, some of the things done by Ukraine include:


On 2/28/2022 at 5:39 PM, Infinityward said:

- Unprovoked aggression.

- Shelling of civilian cities causing hundreds of casualties.

- Throwing that region (and possibly Europe) into chaos.
- Conscripting 19 year old kids and telling them if they dont fight they'll be shot on the spot

- Telling his citizens he's 'De-Nazifying' Ukraine when the President is Jewish and had multiple family members die in the Holocaust.

- Attacking ethnic Russians declaring independence first.

- Threatening and silencing media for reporting on the Truth.

- Causing an extreme Economic Crisis in his country because of his wet dreams of American Money.

- Begging the entire world with civilian casualties to intervene in Ukraine.

- Banning of dissenting political parties

- Arming 20k civilians and convicts, causing chaos and putting civilians at risk

(Obviously this is just a meme to highlight the irony of the original post, but I will verify any of these on request if it makes you that assmad - no it's not going to be a CNN link but you can be reasonably confident in it's legitimacy)


Next we can do a qrd assessing Putin's stated intentions in the invasion:

(On a side note, it was annoyingly difficult to find original references to Putin's stated intentions; almost every search brings up 20 journalists giving their spin on why they think he did it without a brief mention to what he actually said.)

Keep in mind, accomplishment of his stated goals obviously does not mean that these are his true and only intentions and that's not what I'm implying. Merely here to say that there may be some credibility to these statements and anyone who has immediately dismissed or deboonked them is wrong.


- This might be a hard pill to swallow, but having a Jewish President does not mean your country is free of Nazis or that Putin is incapable of 'denazifying' it. On the contrary, a large portion of Ukraines forces in Mariupol and other areas are part of Azov, an Ultra-Nationalist Neo-Nazi militia that (prior to the invasion) was almost universally recognized as such and often deemed as a terrorist organization. While much of this battalion has allegedly made efforts to distance itself from it's controversial roots in recent years (since it's induction into Ukraine's National Guard), it's very clear that from photos coming from the conflict feature a large portion of these members sporting Nazi emblems, tattoos, imagery, and even ceremonies. In fact, to nobodies surprise, one of Azov's first bases captured in Mariupol housed a large Nazi flag - not as easy to write off as something like the black sun or runes. In no way am I saying that the ends justify the means here, but at the very least you can verify that Russia is in fact 'denazifying' Ukraine.


- Protecting ethnic Russians and other peoples in the Donbass from abuse and conflict. There's not really much to say here. Poroshenko ran on the platform of ending conflict in Donbass, never happened. Zelenskyy ran on the same platform, cooperated with Western powers in fueling the conflict. Putin invades, short of NATO intervention, there will be no war in Donbass when the campaign is over.


- Demilitarization. This is a tough one. Clearly he's caused a large influx of weaponry and 'troops' to Ukraine, but is squad wiping them seemingly as fast as they can pour in. Following his impending victory (short of NATO intervention), Ukraine will be demilitarized de facto, or in the terms of their surrender. 


Hope I could be of help clearing things up for you :thumbsup: If the media is driving you bonkers, I recommend Telegram, your choice of Twitter accounts close to the conflict and somewhat reliably sourced, or whatever alternative media platform you like. Clearly these are not reliable sources in and of themselves but it is often easier to find first and secondhand sources for things here and even with disinformation being spewed, the truth isn't nearly as often intentionally obscured.


It's 4AM and im out of shitpost energy, but I'm more than happy to elaborate and provide sources as needed if it means deflecting the ban hammer for another day

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