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Abstains Need to be Fixed

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In some cases this can be important to have but if you want to still type "abstain" you still can, but I think this should just still be a thing and people can always just leave a comment on what they can improve.

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I would personally rather someone vote abstain with the "i've never seen you" reasoning than re-apply. How can you make a decision on someone you've never interacted with before?


With that being said, the BD team collectively comes to a decision based off of personal experience and pertinent posts in the admin application thread itself. If you have something to say about any applicant we encourage you to do so, but, that does not mean we judge all votes the same.


The thing is, if you never had any interaction or even don't know the applicant what's the point of posting?

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what's the purpose if not saying ur opinion?


You’re trolling, right?


If you don’t know someone, then you don’t have an opinion. You can’t give an opinion you don’t have, therefore, you wouldn’t post.

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You’re trolling, right?


If you don’t know someone, then you don’t have an opinion. You can’t give an opinion you don’t have, therefore, you wouldn’t post.


That's what I was saying... Why would I troll, huh?

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I don't see an issue. I think seeing multiple abstaining posts saying the person doesn't know the applicant or has had very little interactions with the applicant is still a valuable post.


You're not upping your post count, you're telling the person to be more active across the servers.

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Abstain has its purpose, people just use it for the wrong reasons.


I utilize abstain for the following reasons:


-There are multiple factors about the applicant that make me feel unsure which way to vote, but I still want to provide useful feedback

-I haven't played with the person recently, and it would feel unfair to support/reapply the applicant, but I've interacted with them in the past and still have useful insight to provide

-I want to give suggestions based off what has been said in other replies (along with my limited experiences with them)


I agree, the whole "I really don't know who you are... abstain" comments are pointless. What are they supposed to take away from that - they should play more when you're online? If your post doesn't provide useful feedback to the applicant, then don't post. You're not being helpful and all you're doing is inflating your post count.


This doesn't really seem like that big of an issue to me because a) people aren't grinding to 100 posts anymore and b) BDs don't take into consideration pointless comments. However, if we want to stop pointless reps a good change would be to edit this thread. I think the general consensus here is that a person posting without knowing the applicant is pointless. However, the FAQ still states to use an abstain if you don't know the applicant. I would suggest we just change it to "If you don't know the applicant, do not post." Applications would get less cluttered, people would stop inflating their post counts, and applicants would only get feedback that is useful.


In the end, a lot of this just has to do with the fact people take the wrong approach when it comes to using abstain. I don't think we need to rework the system entirely, just show people what abstain should be used for.

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I noticed that this is marked as answered but nothing ever came out of it. After reading through several admin apps I have noticed that there are more and more abstains similar to the ones posted in this thread. I'll do the same as I did originally and quote some abstains.


I’ve played with [REDACTED] on quite a few different occasions in scrims and on TTT. His activity is decent (on the servers, can’t speak for ts) and he seems like an all around, very cool guy. He’s very fun to play with, never toxic, and very very friendly. I haven’t seen you off scrim very often and so I’ll have to abstain since I’ve never seen you help a new players or enforce rules on a server like TTT or JB. Best of luck on your app man.


hey [REDACTED], i appreciate what everything you've done for the community. you have really brought it back from a dark place and it has constantly been improving since. but, i haven't really talked to you or seen you on the servers recently so it's gonna be an abstain from me. good luck!


abstain. I really haven’t noticed you on the servers so that is why i am am abstaining but my recommendation will be to improve you attitude since as many people pointed out your attitude problems


Abstain. as many people have said your doing this as a joke and from the small amount of time i have played with you you have been toxic and i haven't seen any qualities of a good a admin in you therefore i have to abstain


Abstain. While I don't really see you in-game, most likely on my part, you are mature and welcoming. I've had talks with you on teamspeak to say that you're a chill guy and I don't see you getting toxic. Again, with the lack of interactions I believe you are a good guy so I'm sticking with an abstain, good luck.


I'm going to abstain here. I haven't seen enough of you to really go one way or another. You seem like a nice kid based off the little bit of talking I've done with you on TS and in-game. I can't say I've seen enough of you in-game with other people and how you deal with tense situations. If this app isn't accepted, and I see more of you and see that I think you're a well-suited candidate, I will gladly support. Until then, good luck.


I have only seen this player a little bit. They seem super chill and has the right intentions but I'm am going to Abstain


Abstain. I haven't had any encounters with u since you've come back apart from when I saw you on scrim today. It seems like you need to get yourself more out there and try to work on your activity, which as of rn seems a bit all over the place. Nevertheless, good luck on the app!


Abstain. I sometimes see you on ttt and scrim but I've never had any interactions with you. Get yourself out there since not many people know you out of those 2 servers. Minecraft being the exception. As someone who joined last month, I still think you should stay around longer to get more comfortable with the forums and everybody here. From what I've seen you post, I have mixed feelings on some topics however I still respect your opinion and hopefully I can get to meeting you in the future so I can cast my real vote.


Abstain. I've seen u on jb a couple of times since you have come back and during those times, but really not enough to make a decision of a reapply or support. JB was certainly in one of its greatest times when u were an at, but since you've come back, it seems like you don't try to put yourself out there and make yourself stick out.


I could find tons more but I feel like this selection pretty much shows the current state of abstains. All of these abstains have one thing in common, the voter abstaining because they do not personally see them in game. A trend that I have noticed is that when one person votes an abstain or re-apply, everyone after that will stem off of what that one person said. I do not know what is taken into consideration when an admin app is looked at by BDs or whatever but I do not think it is fair that these silly abstains tarnish an application. There needs to be a new system put in place.

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