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Kindly tagging @Manny as well as @eXtr3m3.



1. Using grenades as a warning shot


Will bring this to the team. My opinion is that grenades should not count as warning shots for fear of encouraging behaviour that may lead to others being damaged as well.


2. Invisible buttons (big cage vent secret, armory secret above medic) - kos or not?


Yes, they are kos.


KOS zones include:

- Areas or things that connect to armory (armory catwalks, armory stairs, etc.)

- SOME Teleporters (see FAQ post below)

- Armory

- Vents

- Invisible Walls/Objects/Buttons/Ladders (invisible ladders are KOS unless they can't be avoided)

- Secrets


Will bring this to the team but it seems pretty clear they're KOS.

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@fantastic is right, on revamp/go if you see a t press the press the button to open the armory or press the button to open the vent to teleport to pool, it is kos. This is similar to if you see a t open the iso door secret, you can kos them.


With grenades as warning shots, there are certain situations where they can be used correctly, however IMO there are way to many cons to having grenade warning shots as it might set dangerous precedents for newer players.

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Grenades can be very effective warning shots when used correctly. For instance if everyone should be on the north wall of sauna, lobbing a grenade just outside of the doorway will damage anyone not on the wall, leaving non-rebelling Ts unharmed. I don't think it's reasonable to take away a good tool for CTs because some people might not use it properly. After all, most armories are stacked with nades anyways.

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Grenades can be very effective warning shots when used correctly. For instance if everyone should be on the north wall of sauna, lobbing a grenade just outside of the doorway will damage anyone not on the wall, leaving non-rebelling Ts unharmed. I don't think it's reasonable to take away a good tool for CTs because some people might not use it properly. After all, most armories are stacked with nades anyways.


Imma keep it real with you, I don't think I have ever seen somebody do this. I also think that new players can get the wrong impression of using grenades in that scenario and could just lob a grenade in sauna, killing and free-damaging pretty much all of them. It would be so easy to accidentally deal damage to a non-rebelling T. Grenades dealing damage should be remove while yes, in some scenarios like the one you gave, it's good but in almost every other scenario it's not very good.

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Imma keep it real with you, I don't think I have ever seen somebody do this. I also think that new players can get the wrong impression of using grenades in that scenario and could just lob a grenade in sauna, killing and free-damaging pretty much all of them. It would be so easy to accidentally deal damage to a non-rebelling T. Grenades dealing damage should be remove while yes, in some scenarios like the one you gave, it's good but in almost every other scenario it's not very good.


You're right there. I should've picked a different example that's more commonly used and very hard for people to fuck up. On VIP mostly, but also the other Razer maps, when the order is to go in pool, be in water, Ts will often arm themselves and camp the hallway, preventing CTs from entering an enforcing. If your Cats have shit aim, or are just plain pussies, the round pretty much ends there. Alternatively, a made or two tossed down the hallway will clear it enough to let CTs get in and enforce and is very difficult to damage non-rebellers with. I do strongly feel that the nade is a very useful tool.


I don't think that nades should be used without a specific purpose though. They are most useful to clear doorways and kill rebellers in secrets. If the wording was changed to only allow the use of nades to kill KOS Ts, I think it would unreasonably need the CTs and prevent certain effective tactics from being used to enforce.


It's never really been a huge issue, as it's usually very easy to tell when someone is using them properly, or just freenading all of iso.

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Grenades can be used as warning shots, as can knives. A warning "shot" is just any damage dealt by a CT between 1-99 damage, they can use any means to do so.


Invisible buttons are KOS, pressing the invisible button in big cage or isolation on razor makes you KOS.

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To follow up with what Dominic has said.


We've decided to change the definition of what a Warning Shot is, explained here:




- We've amended the current definition of what a warning shot is:


Former definition:

Warning shots - gun shots that do between 1 and 99 damage.


New definition:


Warning shots - 1-99 damage dealt by a CT using any means


- When an RTV is successfully passed the map will change once the round is over.

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