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MS2: Repeating Orders

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2) "I'm not going to repeat the order. Do the order."


This happens to all Ts. Completely disregarding situations where people simply have bad mics or quiet mics, there are times where Epic Bosses maliciously change the way they deliver an order to make it unclear. Epic Bosses say the order as fast as they can so that if you're not listening intently to their $5 walmart microphone you can't hear them. When you ask them to repeat, they either do the same thing, or say "I don't have to repeat my order, just follow it." I'm not being figurative when I say every player on JB has an experience where an Epic Boss gives an order that sounds like Tom Hardy had cleft lip and was trying to speak in moon runes. No one can understand them, and then they sit there, warning shotting and killing the Ts until the LR sound plays and they laugh to themselves over mic about what a big brain play they pulled. It's either this, or they give a purposefully misleading order (that they can rephrase better to an admin) to get free kills. An example is the order "when cell doors open, bum rush to the bottom of under main cell stairs, crouch, and freeze." You might not have caught it at first, but there's a good trick in there that an Epic Boss can use to kill half of the Ts. If some Ts go under main cell stairs, and some Ts go to the bottom of main cell stairs, just warning shot then kill the larger group of Ts. As rules stand right now, CTs don't need to repeat an order when a T requests it (this rule is not on the rules page, but according to @fantastic "it's implied"). Any time a T is killed for standing still in their cell and typing in chat "repeat the order" or "what's the order" is just a bullshit kill that should 100% be treated as a freekill. I know the rules don't reflect this, which is why a rule should be added where orders have to be repeated at least once upon request. Now, you might ask, "don't we have a rule to prevent this behavior?" Well yes! There's "CTs must give reasonable orders", where reasonable orders are orders that are "straightforward, clear, to the point, easy to understand, not meant to confuse or trick, and gives the prisoners enough time to follow." Doesn't this address this issue? It does! Well I hope the admins are on, and if they are I hope they see it happen, or else you're out of luck. That brings us to situation 3!


TL;DR: Giving super fast or confusing orders so they can get more kills, not repeating order when T players ask. Rule: Orders have to be repeated at least once upon request.

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Honestly, with this situation, it’a not as common as you make it seem. It’s like your kind of making it seem as if this occurs every other order, by in reality, as of what I’ve seen, it’s only a small occurrence. Also, as you pointed out, there is a rule that states orders must be reasonable, which is broken through your examples and the average player might understand and stop after being informed of this rule. If not and an admin can’t get on, a player complaint can also always be made.

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If the CT said a clear and direct order i don't see why they would have to always repeat it if someone requests it.



If a CT is giving a confusing order tell them that they are going too fast or making the orders too confusing. If they keep on giving confusing orders or talking too fast to where you cant tell what they are saying and you've warned them multiple times then you can just report them on the forums or get an admin on to deal with the player.

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People are actually telling you "I'm not going to repeat the order, do the order" on a consistent enough basis to warrant this thread? I'll have to get with fantastic on this one but I believe one req'd repeat a round could be looked into maybe in combination with fo

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People are actually telling you "I'm not going to repeat the order, do the order" on a consistent enough basis to warrant this thread? I'll have to get with fantastic on this one but I believe one req'd repeat a round could be looked into maybe in combination with fo


This is a common thing. It used to be standard to repeat the order once or twice, or a friendly T can repeat it in chat for their buddies. I personally wouldn’t mind nor think a repeat request from the T’s would be a problem for us at all. The only thing I’m worried about is having this become a more than one time occurrence. I think T’s should only be able to ask for a repeat once, but only if the order is confusing (as @Takuto said).

Edited by TheZZL
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I think adding at least 1 repeat per round would be nice but easily abusable by CTs by intentionally fucking up orders so people ask for a repeat. however, I have a different approach to this. CTs should be required to state the reason as to why they warning shot a person. people get warning shot all the time and usually only have 3-5sec to correct themselves before being domed, not always but its not that rare for cts shoot a T and then dont say anything leaving the T confused because they believe they are following orders correctly. the reason for warning shots is to tell a T they are doing something wrong so fix it or youre dead, there should always be a reason given along with the warning shot.

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• Reasonable Orders - an order that is straightforward, clear, to the point, easy to understand, not meant to confuse or trick, and gives the prisoners enough time to follow.


This already takes care of itself with our current ruleset. If a CT gave an unclear order (including shit mics) they must repeat their order or give another order. It would be EXTREMELY annoying to have to repeat orders every time someone requests it because they weren't paying attention, etc. Rejected, thanks for the discussion.

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