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I feel like I should preface this by saying that this thread is in no way meant to cause some havoc, hatred, or stir up some unnecessary drama and I fully condemn anyone's attempt to make this something bigger than it is or could be. Dope.




I've had this idea floating around my head for a while now and since I've devolved into a Regular I'm able to actually be in the position where I can fully understand how it be down here. I'm also just going to be blunt and say that I am pretty much indirectly referencing this thread; https://www.steam-gamers.net/forum/showthread.php?t=93861. Anyway, onto the actual topic of the thread...


I believe that when Post are deleted the public, but most importantly the poster, should have some knowledge of who deleted the post and why and those who's post are deleted and posters should be even able to argue as to the necessity of having their post deleted. Right now, there isn't really a direct way to go about this, there have been times in the past where users resort to making a thread which then typically doesn't end up good and makes the situation worse than it actually was. I think that when a post is deleted, at most, the poster should be notified by the person who deleted it as to why, whether they its in the PMs or possibly even through TeamSpeak, however it's best to be able to keep a track of the conversation. In addition to this, there should be some sort of easily accessible system in which people may contest the removal of their post. I think it should be something similar to when people report a post in combination with Admin Complaints.


I'd like to end this thread by saying that this thread is not meant to discuss the reasoning behind the deleted post in the thread I've mentioned before. This is entirely meant to discuss my suggestions mentioned in the third paragraph. Fire, thanks



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I personally don't think this would be a bad thing. I believe that if someone who makes a post with actual effort gets their post deleted, they should be able to know who deleted their post so that if they wanted to, they could follow up with them to get more of an insight as to why their post was deleted.


Unless if I'm really missing something, it isn't too often that people get non-shitposts deleted, but this would still be great for the instances where someone makes a post they feel either contributed in some way to a discussion or was at least worth being on the thread. This could let people get a sense of (for lack of a better term) closure as to why their post was removed.


I know there were times when I wasn't admin, I was curious as to why my post (when it wasn't an intentional shitpost) was deleted and who deleted it. Even though I don't think this is something that would be utilized too often, it's something that would be good to have even if it's not used all the time, in my opinion.


Edit: Now that I'm actually awake, I realized I forgot to address the whole contesting the deleted post thing. I don't think this is a bad idea either, I just don't know how it would be implemented in an efficient way since I'm going to guess this would be an IA+ responsibility for multiple reasons, one of which being that if someone higher up than you deleted the post, you shouldn't be able to restore the post. (For instance, a CA shouldn't restore something an IA deleted.)

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Aight sick.


I think one of the things that needs addressed, and can be fixed right now, is reasons for posts being deleted. Reasonings should be more specific and more accurately given. One of the ones that irks me the most is "Not Needed". What is really meant by this is "Not Appropriate" "Off Topic" or "Not Serious enough for the thread". Of course nobody actually says this, and the poster is left guessing at what the vague reason for deletion means. If "Not Needed" was a legitimate reason to delete a post in the first place, our forums would be pretty barren. Being more specific with these reasons also helps posters understand what can/cannot be posted, and what is considered a quality post.


I think it would also be helpful to allow the poster of a deleted post to see their post that has been deleted so they can better understand why it was removed. CA+ could even highlight portions of their post for clarification.


As Manny said, users should have a way to contest their deleted posts, but I think it would be a waste to create an appeal section for something like this. Reaching out to higher ups when you feel a post has been wrongly removed has always worked previously, and IAs/BDs being more strict on forum fairy CAs would likely help too.


I don't really see any reason I'm showing who has deleted a post, it will cause more issues than it solves. Once again, any time I feel my post has been wrongly deleted, I go to a higher up in TS who can then get in touch with whoever deleted it and resolve the situation. I don't think it's worth the drama to share with everyone who deleted a post.

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The person who deletes the post should just sign his/her name so the poster can request additional information from them.



Alternatively, you can just put the reason as: "This post violates forum rule number x" or "This post is in violation of the terms and conditions" and sign it. Put it on the poster to pursue an appeal through PMs if they feel like they have been wronged.

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Edited by SilentGuns
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I feel like I should also just state that the suggestions were merely suggestions to the problems I brought up, mostly meant to just provoke others to give their spin off of my proposal. My main idea here though are two things; 1. The public and most importantly the poster, should be aware a post of theirs was deleted, why it was deleted, and by who it was deleted by and 2. The poster who’s post was deleted should be able to refute the reasoning behind their post being deleted.


I’ve tried going to a couple of higher ups and CAs but I was met with them saying they can’t “leak” anything because they were told it’s been causing drama and targeted hatred. Which is exactly why I think the CA+ ability to see who deleted the post and why should be left open to the public. Why? For similar reasons as to why Admin Complaints are public, transparency. I also believe it would act as a sort of Checks and Balances between the forum mods and the public. I heavily discard the entire “it was cause more drama then solving it” because as we’ve seen in the past, with Admin Complaints, that’s just assuming the worst out of a situation. I think keeping it private causes more drama because then you have the public just guessing who’s deleting post through their interpretations of how the CAs+ act. I’m also not saying no drama would happen, because at the end of the day people will always look for someone to hate or blame for their issues, but I think it’s overall better for everyone to see who deleted the post.


The “report a deletion” is very silly and I wasn’t actually looking for that specifically to be implemented, especially since “new forums soon.” Again, it was meant to just stir some more thinking of a process to allow the poster to possibly reinstate their post. Thinking about it more though, I think it’s be best to be able to submit a thread for their deleted post, like a player complaint but instead it’s a complaint on their post. For something like this I think it’d be neat to keep that thread for the person who submitted the form and CA+ since it’s not serious enough for having the public see and most importantly, the person who deleted the post might not be the person who authorized the deletion of the post. It would also allow for some more people to pitch in their opinion. I also believe that this would help “solve” the whole “over moderation” on the forums, since it allows higher ups to see how the public may feel on certain issues and where the higher ups stand on certain issues.

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To actually add onto this I believe the proposed changes should also be in effect when dealing with moving threads to either, sections the OP can’t see, in the rare event something is posted that should stay away from the public eye, or spam central.

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I'd suggest having it be the same as when a message is edited by someone where it would show the person, time and reason. ie.

Deleted by Phoenix_; 11-28-2019 at 10:34 AM. Reason: trolling/shitpost

I also think the person who made the post should get the same notification as when someone mentions or quotes you to let them know it was deleted as most of the time people don't realize their post was removed.

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To even expand on this idea further... I think it’d also be a good addition to mandate a post for whenever a post is moved to spam central or any other section other than the one it originated in. For example it could just be

This Post was moved to Spam Central due to violation of Forum Rule #5.
This post was moved from Questions & Info to Sg Suggestions Box.
Really anyway that the OP and the general public can see so they know who moved something, so they can contact them and ask for clarification, or just be able to see what can pass the rules and what doesn’t and why.
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I think it would also be helpful to allow the poster of a deleted post to see their post that has been deleted so they can better understand why it was removed. CA+ could even highlight portions of their post for clarification.


As Manny said, users should have a way to contest their deleted posts, but I think it would be a waste to create an appeal section for something like this. Reaching out to higher ups when you feel a post has been wrongly removed has always worked previously, and IAs/BDs being more strict on forum fairy CAs would likely help too.


I don't really see any reason I'm showing who has deleted a post, it will cause more issues than it solves. Once again, any time I feel my post has been wrongly deleted, I go to a higher up in TS who can then get in touch with whoever deleted it and resolve the situation. I don't think it's worth the drama to share with everyone who deleted a post.


Everything Gentoo stated I agree with (I chopped some things out). When a post is deleted, maybe a button to say "View Original Post" or something along the lines of that to pop up. Not being able to see what you said to get deleted isn't fair to everyone who genuinely thought their post was valid. Also, no section should be made to appeal these, but contacting a higher up (or the person that deleted it) is the only thing needed to get clarification. I never knew why the person who deleted the comment isn't shown.


To even expand on this idea further... I think it’d also be a good addition to mandate a post for whenever a post is moved to spam central or any other section other than the one it originated in. For example it could just be or Really anyway that the OP and the general public can see so they know who moved something, so they can contact them and ask for clarification, or just be able to see what can pass the rules and what doesn’t and why.


Eh. IMO, there's a line between something being off topic and being made just to meme. I don't see a need to make a whole post dedicated to explaining why a post got moved to a different location.


I personally don't think this would be a bad thing. I believe that if someone who makes a post with actual effort gets their post deleted, they should be able to know who deleted their post so that if they wanted to, they could follow up with them to get more of an insight as to why their post was deleted.


Unless if I'm really missing something, it isn't too often that people get non-shitposts deleted, but this would still be great for the instances where someone makes a post they feel either contributed in some way to a discussion or was at least worth being on the thread. This could let people get a sense of (for lack of a better term) closure as to why their post was removed.


Agreed. While there are MANY instances were someone's post may be considered shitposting and/or trolling, there are some genuine posts made by people who don't view their comment as a shitpost. For one person to view it and take it a different way and delete it seems unreasonable to an extent.

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