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Need a better way of dealing with rdmers

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So I’ve been playing the server for a year but I took like a 3 month break from csgo and now that I’m back I’m noticing way to many people getting away with rdm. Used to you tell an admin of that someone rdm theyll look into and determine if they have enough evidence to slay the person and if they did they would slay. Now on a daily basis I’ll get rdmed, tell an admin and they say they can’t do anything to help unless I have it recorded. This honestly just makes the rdming problem way worse as it can take hours to properly punish an rdmer...

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What do you suggest? Admins can't act on something they didn't see. If you really do get rdmed that much your best bet is to make a player complaint, You can use OBS or if you have Nvidia Graphics you can use Shadow Play. Pretty sure windows also has a built in recording software if you press Windows Key + G.

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Edited by Infinityward
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Ok I replied but I don’t think it showed it. Admins just need to investigate into the situation like they used to. Maybe it’s a lot of work for them idk but I will say it will make game play experience for players much better

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Admins can't deal with every RDM, as accidental kills happen and there isn't always enough evidence to determine what and why it happened. What helps is to just give admins a heads up on a possibly problematic player, so we can keep an eye on him and maybe get them next time.



Ultimately keep this in mind: we are unpaid admins with limited time.

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Edited by SilentGuns
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For all admins: This is going to be the last time we warn about stuff like this. You are not investigators. Act upon what you see, and do not punish people for things that do not exist.


There's really nothing Admins could use to decipher an RDM. Logs only show who killed who and don't show the context of a situation.

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Edited by Infinityward
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As staff, we're not allowed to deeply investigate rdm's anymore; This can be seen as witch hunting. As I'm not too fond of the procedural method of requiring admins to visibly witness an rdm, it makes sense to have in place. The only thing we can do to assist is to question the accused via dm to get their side of the story (If they respond). If not, we're restricted to not act.

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Over moderation can be just as bad as under moderation. If you have a problem, you can present it to any online admins and then they will look into it. They're not going to skim through logs anymore and question every kill. If you don't say something, they won't know.

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