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Gangs Plugin Feedback

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Hello everyone, now that the Winter Spectacular event for Jailbreak has concluded, we want your feedback on how to improve the !gang plugin. This is a plugin that's been in place for a while but didn't really get too much attention for a long time and we wanted to bring attention to this plugin as part of the winter event. By giving us feedback, we can improve the gangs plugin so that it is easier to use and so that there are fewer bugs you guys encounter. Please share any issues with the plugin you've encountered or things you'd like to see us add. I have already filled in a couple of things here that I know about personally.


Problems to fix:

1. Fix !gang leave, since it does not work and you are unable to leave a gang



Suggestions to potentially add:

1. Ability to check the members of a gang outside of your own.

2. (My own idea) Potential of a 'rival' gang system where you could maybe get some sort of point multiplier against 1 other gang. The leader would set who that gang is.

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2. (My own idea) Potential of a 'rival' gang system where you could maybe get some sort of point multiplier against 1 other gang. The leader would set who that gang is.


Maybe there could be a little twist on this and implement a "gang" for CT. Instead of rival T gangs, have a rival CT and T gang, and the rival gang still being set by the leader. And for points if a T kills someone from the CT gang they could get 2 points but if they die to that CT gang they also lose 2 points. My idea on how CT points would work is through playtime as well, but for every rank (private --> lieutenant and so on) someone gains from playing CT a point goes to their gang.


The gangs plugin is a good plugin but sometimes people spam invites to people on the server and if there could be a way to limit the amount of invites you could send to certain people, say like 2-3 times. (To also suggest an event here, have a gang contest / ct time contest here and there, and have an award for the winners being a knife for T and a M4/AK for CT)

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I've noticed the gang leaderboard is really iffy on updating. Most of the time it updates once per day, but I've also seen it not update for longer periods.


This was brought up somewhere I don't remember where, but a reward for being in the top gang or top ct that makes you stand out whether it is a special title in chat or a cosmetic that you can only have by being #1.


Going into the event I was planning to play a lot of CT, but I ended up stopping because it seemed quite literally a waste of time because I see people who play like 12 hours a day and I know I can't top that so I was discouraged. An alternative way to get points for CT would be nice, rather than time, but I know that brings up issues because adding kills for points to the ct ranks would incite freekilling.


I like the idea of adding rivalries that would make a multiplier on points.

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I feel like gangs are something that not many people are aware of. Adding a rivalry system to it might bring up the popularity and have more people that actually care about it. I also think that adding more features to gangs could help as well. Something like exclusive cosmetics in the shop if you place xyz within the gang leaderboard by the end of the month or something along those lines. Just spitting out ideas.

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I was excited for when it came out but it quickly become something I forgot about. It never updated quickly enough for me check it often so it kinda became an afterthought. Also there are regulars who like Frankie said play an absurd amount of hours on JB making it pretty ridiculous to complete. Some changes that I think would improve the plugin are invite cool downs and some other ways to get points. When the plugin first came out I had lots of people spamming invites to myself and others. Having a certain amount of invites that you can send a day would be nice. Also some other way of achieving points would be great as well. Its hard to compete with people like @Xp who is on ct for every waking second of his life.

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Instead of limit on the amount of invites that could be sent, what about providing the player an option if they would like to receive invites?


I am a little unaware of all the details to the !gang plugin so the following may already be placed. But an additional way for gang members or just the Ts in general to gain points could vary on the rank of the CT. If the CT is a higher rank / has more time / points and killed by a T they will receive more points than killing a person who rarely plays CT.

Edited by Trazz
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I've noticed the gang leaderboard is really iffy on updating. Most of the time it updates once per day, but I've also seen it not update for longer periods.


This was brought up somewhere I don't remember where, but a reward for being in the top gang or top ct that makes you stand out whether it is a special title in chat or a cosmetic that you can only have by being #1.


Going into the event I was planning to play a lot of CT, but I ended up stopping because it seemed quite literally a waste of time because I see people who play like 12 hours a day and I know I can't top that so I was discouraged. An alternative way to get points for CT would be nice, rather than time, but I know that brings up issues because adding kills for points to the ct ranks would incite freekilling.


I like the idea of adding rivalries that would make a multiplier on points.


The cosmetic idea was brought up in the 12/19/19 Community meeting:


Rewards for CT-Ranks

Things are in the works


Custom models rank exclusive

Custom gun models

Possible leaderboard gang rewards in the future


I think the rival gangs idea is a really good one, and should definitely be looked at. The only problem I see with this is point farming, but maybe if two rival gangs are online when there are >15 people the point multiplier deactivates. If we want the gangs plugin to take off we need to add these cosmetic rewards, things that make people notice them in-game and then get interested in gangs. Also, fixing the current bugs which are being worked on thankfully.

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