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Online Classes- Studying Together

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Hello everyone,


Something that came to my mind at this ripe hour of the night was that many people including myself do not learn as effectively online compared to learning in person in front of a physical lecture. In a time such as now where many High Schools and Colleges are switching to online classes, I think it would be beneficial to all of us to help each other in a time like this.


Instead of cheating your way through work, where you don't actually absorb any of the information you're writing down and it goes to waste, potentially hurting you in the future, we should try our best to work together and allow our strengths to shine to help others. While I may not be the most mathematically-inclined person out there (currently failing Calc 2, yikes), I know I can certainly do my best to help people who are struggling in subjects such as computer science, English, and History.


While this may pan out to nothing, I'm gonna give a shot at trying to put together a list of people who are willing to help someone with some homework upon occasion for those who may need it and lack the ability to go to a Teacher/Professor/TA in person or reach them easily electronically. If you're willing to do this, please leave your name (online name, to prevent any personal info leaks), what subjects you're willing to help, and what days you're most available. If anyone is willing to do this, I thank you in advance as I hope this can at least help SOMEONE get through this really weird semester. I'll start off by leaving myself as a resource out there for those who need me


  • Name: Phoenix
    Subjects: Computer Science (Python, Java, C), History (WW1, WW2, US History), English (College level writing)
    Days of Availability: Wednesday & Friday after 4:30PM, Saturdays from Noon to 3PM
    Discord: phoenix#5017
  • Name: John
    Subject: English (Proofreading papers, college & high school level)
    Discord: John#9123
  • Name: BoA
    Subjects: Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Biochemistry, Calculus 1-3
    Days of Availability: Monday & Wednesday- "Mornings"
    Discord: rõn#6572
  • Name: Loki
    Subjects: Math, physics, and computer science(python)
    Days of availability: my schedule changes at work but pretty much anytime in the afternoon.
    Discord: Loki#4113
  • Name: benzene
    Subjects: High school Chemistry, English (papers and books), Latin, History (American or World)
    Days of Availability: I am free all day, every day for the next 2-3 weeks, so just hit me up any time and I can help you. For a stricter time range, I will always be available from 2-10pm EST (weekdays and weekends)
    Discord: benzene#6302
  • Name: Charlie
    Subjects: Anatomy, Psychology, Criminology, Sociology, English
    Days of Availability: M-T after 8pm, Saturdays after 5, and Sundays all day.
    Discord: Charliere#1464
  • Name: nV
    Subjects: English, Psychology/Human Factors, Anything Aviation Related
    Days of Availability: M-F after 3pm
    Discord: nV#4661
  • Name: salmeine
    Subjects: Biology, Genetics, Medical Imaging (mostly modelling, some medical physics), Music Theory, Finance (Modelling), Japanese
    Days of Availability: Lmk, we'll work it out! Mostly in the afternoons/evenings.
    Discord: salmeine#9484

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I'm willing to proofread papers, whether it be high school or college level. It's not much, but it's what I can provide. I've always done really well in all of my English classes and I would like to help others. Feel free to PM me on the forums or DM me on Discord at John#9123.

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Name: boa

Subjects I Can Help With: Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Biochemistry, Calculus 1-3

Days of Availability: Mon/Wed - Morning

Discord: rõn#6572


Clarification : Morning EST time, and prefer texting over calls.

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Name: Steven

Subjects I can help with: Medical Terminology, Anatomy, Nursing, Nutrition, Microbiology, and Psychology

Days of Availability: Any day in the afternoon

Discord : Steven.#5554

I understand not a lot of people might not pursue the path I am currently but if you even want to learn about it because it interests you I am willing to talk and maybe help you choose something for a future profession!

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Name: Loki

Subjects: Math, physics, and computer science(python)

Days of availability: my schedule changes at work but pretty much anytime in the afternoon.

Discord: Loki#4113

I graduated high school last year I did mostly all math courses getting 90 or higher except for AP calc which I ended with a 87 I took 2 advanced physics courses in 1 semester and ended with high grades i also took computer science I can most definitely help with any math courses and am more than qualified to do so reach out if you need any help.

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Name: benzene

Subjects: Chemistry, English (papers and books), Latin, History (American or World)

Availability: I am free all day, every day for the next 2-3 weeks, so just hit me up any time and I can help you. For a stricter time range, I will always be available from 2-10pm EST (weekdays and weekends).

I can also help tutor and study for the SAT (charge-free, of course). I also have like 70 ACT exams, just ask and you can have them.

I am currently a junior in high school, but I am knowledgeable about many subjects and I like to think that I am a good tutor. I can proof-read or peer-edit papers, and can do other things as well.

discord: benzene#6302

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Name: Charlie

Subjects: Anatomy, Psychology, Criminology, Sociology, English

Days of Availability: M-T after 8pm, Saturdays after 5, and Sundays all day.

Discord: Charliere#1464


If anything I'm also willing to proofread things if needed; I used to help some people quite frequently and I actually really enjoyed doing it.

My workplace is still open so my availability is more constricted compared to those who have to stay home for the next few weeks, but don't hesitate to hit me up.

Probably a little rusty compared to you whippersnappers still in school but it's something for me to do too :shrug:

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Name: nV

Subjects: English, Psychology/Human Factors, Anything Aviation Related

Days of Availability: M-F after 3pm,

Discord: nV#4661


I'm possibly sick with the corona virus so it'll take some time for me to respond (I wish I was joking)

My major revolves around producing an unnecessary amount of professional reports/request for proposals. I'd love to proof read whatever yall have. (For reference, I helped a senior in HS obtain an A on her essay by basically tearing it apart and adding my revisions).

I know there's only like one or two other pilots within this community but I can help out with check rides if needed.

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  • Content Count:  115
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Name: salmeine

Subjects: Biology, Genetics, Medical Imaging (mostly modelling, some medical physics), Music Theory, Finance (Modelling), Japanese

Days of Availability: Lmk, we'll work it out! Mostly in the afternoons/evenings.

Discord: salmeine#9484


Currently an undergrad pursuing a dual degree in bio (pre-med!), and finance/healthcare management.

Work in the radiology department at our university hospital so I can help if you have specific questions on basic medical physics and 3D modelling!

Our college switched to online too so I'm stuck at home with some time on my hands since I can't really shotgun natties with my parents.

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