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A move towards Discord

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With all the talk of how discord is preferred by players outside our community and whatnot... Why is our discord voice channels dead for the most part. Where are all of these people who prefer discord? Shouldn't they be socializing in our discords voice chat channels with all of the other new players who prefer discord? What improvements to the discord are we making that would make new players want to use it outside of forcing our existing users off of teamspeak to (hopefully) maintain a presence on the platform to hopefully have all of these new guys start using our discord?


If these people are already not using the application to connect via voice now what makes you think they will be inclined to in the future?

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With all the talk of how discord is preferred by players outside our community and whatnot... Why is our discord voice channels dead for the most part. Where are all of these people who prefer discord? Shouldn't they be socializing in our discords voice chat channels with all of the other new players who prefer discord? What improvements to the discord are we making that would make new players want to use it outside of forcing our existing users off of teamspeak to (hopefully) maintain a presence on the platform to hopefully have all of these new guys start using our discord?


If these people are already not using the application to connect via voice now what makes you think they will be inclined to in the future?


They're not "already using the application", they're not using our server. With Discord making it so easy to create servers, many of them have said that they have their own servers. I'm not sure how much effort has been put into polling or asking players which platforms they use and prefer (likely not enough), but , regardless, the common assumption is that Discord is a more popular platform for younger people, that many are already using. While it was likely sarcastic, you've answered your own question already: people aren't using our Discord because it appears dead, and shutting off one platform, or encouraging players to migrate, will make the Discord more lively, increasing our chances of having players that stick around.


The Discord has already been reorganized to be more useable, and a lot more thought has been put into moderation and implementation. I don't know what else is in the pipeline to be shipped, but I would agree with Kieran that changes should be made for Discord to be more useable/enticing before we make a full migration.

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It was partly sarcasm. The point I'm trying to make is to make the discord work you're going to have to force users off of teamspeak at some point, which, is contrary to the rhetoric being presented. Making improvements is all well and good but saying you're not forcing it down people's throats while insinuating that sometime in the near future teamspeak will be abandoned by the community is just paying lip service to those who oppose getting rid of teamspeak. I understand the reasoning behind the move and can accept that no amount of protest will save ts at some point, but, it still feels forced.

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So recently I have came across a couple other smaller communities that use only discord, and this is how I see it. It is versatile, you can have pretty much everything automated, and it is customizable out the ass. One of the downsides of that is that it can look like shit unless you have it done right. But my point is that getting new players involved in the community, forums, and all around knowledgeable of us is really easy with discord. It is great for new players that don't like teamspeak.


Now on another note, discord wasn't born for simpleness. Everything that is done from a admin point of view (admin of discord not sg), has to be done right or shit won't function. On top of that is forces this shyness on people, I'm sure that our regs would be fine getting into a call and talking all day, but discord doesn't foster the same forcefulness of making people get in a channel and just talk. Most people just text chat and post memes all day, which you can even see in our current discord.


If discord is the equivalent to teamspeak just newer then why is no one in it hanging out right now. Obviously our regs prefer ts, but the SG discord has over 1000 members, most of them not regs, most of them use discord 24/7. I understand wanting to open the community to new people and this "other side of the world", but eliminating why people love SG, this communication and these tight relationships we have within our staff and regs, everyone that actually takes the step and hops in a ts channel is why everyone is vouching for teamspeak. Cool people may not like discord or how it works, they may be comfortable with ts, but if it was really down to that people would just get over it and make the switch.


If you really want to improve discord, just start making it the place we do all our shit, run evens in discord, have meetings, do small things like discord raffles, have a ranking system for the top activity players, get a custom bot built with some fun cool commands. There are so many ways that you can expand discord and make it bring new players as a communication platform, no one is arguing against that, but why would you get rid of teamspeak in order to make this move. Your the ones that need to build up the discord, don't try to make the community do it for you.

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I'm gonna add my 2 cents here. The only advantage I can possibly think of switching to discord is the text channels and that's it. The text channels in discord are extremely nice. They provide many options, you don't have to be in a certain voice channel to talk about things (unlike teamspeak) and you can upload images or videos quick and easy. No complaints.


But, I think forcing a switch (now, I don't know what path you guys want to take it but forcing it would be a bad idea) would be horrible. Now, you guys restricted us on the server. I'm not one for saying that racism is funny and the only thing that is funny, because it isn't, but you quickly realize that many of the jokes and the way people socialize here involve some sort of racism. Whether it just be a picture of a funny thing and the caption is the n word, it is brought up quite a lot. We can't even say it in the voice channels. To be honest, I'm not quite sure how you will guys even enforce this, because, in private channels (mine or other peoples) I can sure as hell tell that no-no words will be said.


Another point is that no private channels. Now, I never like to go in to private channels because I am open to talking to new people. In the end, I am a friendly guy looking to just have fun but me (and other people alike) have problems with certain people here and would rather not speak to them. I really don't, with anybody, but many people here do and would much rather be in a private channel so they could avoid that person. Also, wouldn't trolling be upped a lot? What's stopping me from joining channels and purposely saying dumb things with no CAs in the channel and everybody in there has to listen? Also whats stopping those people from leaving and going to their own discord?


Now, I think if we were to make this switch, this will be what will make you guys realize it was a bad idea. People will just leave your discord and go to their own if they encounter problems. I mean, like I said, I have no problem talking to new people, but I can just easily go to my own discord with all of my friends if I'm having problems from other people or because I can't say a simple joke or send a meme. No private channels, restrictions on certain language, I would much rather go into my discord where I can say and do whatever the fuck I want and have a better time there. The SG discord would probably become dead because everybody will leave. Right now, the community has the option between discord and teamspeak, and most of the community is at teamspeak for a reason.

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Edited by duffy
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I'm gonna add my 2 cents here. The only advantage I can possibly think of switching to discord is the text channels and that's it. The text channels in discord are extremely nice. They provide many options, you don't have to be in a certain voice channel to talk about things (unlike teamspeak) and you can upload images or videos quick and easy. No complaints.


But, I think forcing a switch (now, I don't know what path you guys want to take it but forcing it would be a bad idea) would be horrible. Now, you guys restricted us on the server. I'm not one for saying that racism is funny and the only thing that is funny, because it isn't, but you quickly realize that many of the jokes and the way people socialize here involve some sort of racism. Whether it just be a picture of a funny thing and the caption is the n word, it is brought up quite a lot. We can't even say it in the voice channels. To be honest, I'm not quite sure how you will guys even enforce this, because, in private channels (mine or other peoples) I can sure as hell tell that no-no words will be said.


Another point is that no private channels. Now, I never like to go in to private channels because I am open to talking to new people. In the end, I am a friendly guy looking to just have fun but me (and other people alike) have problems with certain people here and would rather not speak to them. I really don't, with anybody, but many people here do and would much rather be in a private channel so they could avoid that person. Also, wouldn't trolling be upped a lot? What's stopping me from joining channels and purposely saying dumb things with no CAs in the channel and everybody in there has to listen? Also whats stopping those people from leaving and going to their own discord?


Now, I think if we were to make this switch, this will be what will make you guys realize it was a bad idea. People will just leave your discord and go to their own if they encounter problems. I mean, like I said, I have no problem talking to new people, but I can just easily go to my own discord with all of my friends if I'm having problems from other people or because I can't say a simple joke or send a meme. No private channels, restrictions on certain language, I would much rather go into my discord where I can say and do whatever the fuck I want and have a better time there. The SG discord would probably become dead because everybody will leave. Right now, the community has the option between discord and teamspeak, and most of the community is at teamspeak for a reason.


It's 2020 and you're pinning your argument to keep one VoIP over another on your ability to use racism and avoid people. Surely you can do better than that.

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It's 2020 and you're pinning your argument to keep one VoIP over another on your ability to use racism and avoid people. Surely you can do better than that.


If you want to take my words out of context, go for it, but that's not exactly what I meant. I'm just saying what I will believe will happen. It's not my ability to do those things, it's other people’s abilities. With racism, it's not derogatory racism, where somebody is literally calling another person the hard r or other names, it's casual. You will quickly realize that a lot of people in this community use the word in a casual way. And avoiding people, I said I (and other people too) only make private channels to avoid trolls. My apologies that I don't enjoy people joining my channel saying "penis" or "I fucked your mom" over and over again. And if I wanted to leave and go make a private channel, oh wait, I can't so now I'm in a corner where A, I'm just gonna leave and get off or B, tell everyone in the channel to go somewhere else.

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Edited by duffy
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Casual racism is still racism and whether or not you're arguing what you would personally do or others will do your argument is still largely based around being able to say words that society sees as racism, which, is a non-issue.


Thank you for bringing the most ignorant take in this thread champ. The people thanking you for anything to do with the racism issue should neck so that the average IQ will go up here.


For clarification I don't give a flying fuck if you guys use any of these words and have been known to use a few of them myself. Arguing something that is purely policy based as a reason that one product is better than another is nonsensical and is an argument that belongs in the trash.


But please continue to tell me how I'm taking your garbage argument out of context.

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@idealist I do honestly think there is a valid argument in drippy’s post, which is, people want to casually be themselves around people they like and are friends with. If someone is being forced to censor themselves or not have an escape from annoying ppl (which there r a lot of here), then they’re inevitably going to either create their own discord, or use an already existing one of their friends. All that leads to is the death of the discord because voice channels won’t be populated and text channels will be as dry as they r rn.


The people thanking you for anything to do with the racism issue should neck so that the average IQ will go up here.


And I’m normally not this petty but if you were to neck then the average weight would go down here.

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@idealist I do honestly think there is a valid argument in drippy’s post, which is, people want to casually be themselves around people they like and are friends with. If someone is being forced to censor themselves or not have an escape from annoying ppl (which there r a lot of here), then they’re inevitably going to either create their own discord, or use an already existing one of their friends. All that leads to is the death of the discord because voice channels won’t be populated and text channels will be as dry as they r rn.




And I’m normally not this petty but if you were to neck then the average weight would go down here.



That's not a fault of discord. Discord doesn't not allow you to say those words, steam-gamers does.


Also, I can ( and am) lose(ing) the weight. Nice argument though. Me being overweight doesn't make your point any more valid.

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