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Warm Up for JB

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I wanted to revive this thread, because the first rounds still take a long time. The reason the idea was rejected was because the AT at the time (Fantastic) said:


There's a decent window for joining and even though not many people get in first round, as a result of this first round goes by pretty quickly and during this time everyone can join up and be there for round #2. For this reason I'm going to reject this for JB, but thanks for the suggestion!


I still disagree with this statement. Since the CT's and T's chosen to play the first round are determined by whos ping is 1 ms better, often we have CT's who don't know what they're doing. As a result of that, they either camp or don't LR with the Ts.


I suggest implementing a 10 second warm-up for JB, it shouldn't affect gameplay while letting players connect for the first round.

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I didn't even realize it was rejected for jailbreak this even though it's still a massive problem. I would definitely like to see it implemented in jailbreak too :p


Also, a minor thing on TTT with the warmup is that it says "starting in 5" and counts down twice. Plus warm-up seems much shorter than it actually is so idk if it has to do something with immediately starting as soon as the server is up but some players still can't get into the time window.

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Surprisingly, this is a bigger problem than it might seem. I actually encountered a few times today where a nearly full server was sitting on the sidelines for an entire round while waiting for the CTs to take out the Ts or for the Ts to rebel.


With a simple 10 second wait like @TheZZL mentioned we’d be able to correct this issue and allow more players to join and at least make the round useful for people who don’t have a crazy good connection time.

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As someone who used to constantly playing JB a lot and occasionally still does, I'd like to see this implemented even if it's just a few seconds at the start before the round starts like @TheZZL said because the majority of the time it's usually 2-3 CTs and like 8-9 Ts and they can't LR because there is too many T's so there are around 25-30 other players waiting around 30-45 seconds to spawn in so it upsets a lot of players and in some scenarios I've seen a few people disconnect resulting in some depopulation of the server. Even as someone like myself with pretty good connection time and nearly instant download of all maps I still get stuck waiting for the round to end.

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Plenty of times of seeing lots of people unable to play due to the early start. I think a 10 second warmup to allow every one to get into the game is great idea. I wouldn't even see an issue for a 20 second timer. TTT implemented a longer warmup timer and its been an amazing addition to the server, would make alot of sense on JB as well.

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Good suggestion. Haven't been able to play in the first round of jailbreak for about 3 months since whatever changed it happened. Any kind of delay or countdown would help the server because as it currently stands we have max 8 players in the first round with 30 spectators watching. Even if it's situational, a lot of CTs give a freeday on the first day just out of habit and that privilege to is taken away from a lot of Ts.

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Good suggestion. Haven't been able to play in the first round of jailbreak for about 3 months since whatever changed it happened. Any kind of delay or countdown would help the server because as it currently stands we have max 8 players in the first round with 30 spectators watching. Even if it's situational, a lot of CTs give a freeday on the first day just out of habit and that privilege to is taken away from a lot of Ts.


This started happening after the change we implemented to combat AFK people. What it does is it makes everyone a spectator role first, then you have to change to T or CT side.


I'm not saying to remove the above change ^, but just add a warm-up.

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Edited by TheZZL
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As someone who used to constantly playing JB a lot and occasionally still does, I'd like to see this implemented even if it's just a few seconds at the start before the round starts like @TheZZL said because the majority of the time it's usually 2-3 CTs and like 8-9 Ts and they can't LR because there is too many T's so there are around 25-30 other players waiting around 30-45 seconds to spawn in so it upsets a lot of players and in some scenarios I've seen a few people disconnect resulting in some depopulation of the server. Even as someone like myself with pretty good connection time and nearly instant download of all maps I still get stuck waiting for the round to end.


I play JB almost exclusively and this is a reacurring problem. Almost the entire T or CT team doesnt load in fast enough so the round ends or theres one camping CT and a couple Ts that cant kill him, it can drag on rounds for a really long time. It happens so often that CTs have been slaying themselfs so people can actually play the game. This change would be a nice change to come. And like @Disparity said it helped TTT after they added somthing like this. I'd love to see a change like this sometime. :d

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I don’t see why not, it almost always seems random whether or not I/anybody else gets in first round, one time I had to download the map and i got in first round while other times it’s like I didn’t click the join team button fast enough. A warmup for 10 seconds to allow people to join would work wonders for many people who have slow internet.

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I noticed there's now a 3-second warmup, which is awesome! I just wanted to reply to this thread and say that some people are still getting cucked, so a 5-10 second warmup would be cool to help them out. If it's not implemented, the current 3-second warmup still works really well.

@Infinityward @Bacon



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