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Coloring models in jb

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Would like to add to this why dont they just make it so that all colors are accessible without it mattering if you're on the T side or CT side like I want a Blue Panther.

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Would like to add to this why dont they just make it so that all colors are accessible without it mattering if you're on the T side or CT side like I want a Blue Panther.


A plausible explanation might be they don't want to confuse the the Guards and Prisoners with each other, but that's just dumb. I think you'd have to ask @Liam Brown, as I believe he handles everything that's inside of the store (Aside from models). However, even though it would be small to add, I don't think color skins are on the highest priority for the TT/ATs right now.

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Edited by TheZZL
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As TheZZL said, having the whole list of colors available for each side may cause some confusion. Prisoners and guards alike may not be able to tell who is who, and it could cause a lot more chaos.


To answer the original question, you can choose a skin color for your model by doing /shop in chat and buying a color using credits in the "Skin Color'" section of the shop.

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-Dark Blue

-Light Blue












- Possibly Cyan









I apologize if this list is incorrect, I have not been able to purchase all of the skin colors, if anyone would like to correct me on this feel free to make another post.

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Edited by gween
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On 7/23/2020 at 1:39 PM, TheZZL said:

Any model can change in a variety of color if you buy that color from the !shop ingame. Some people just like the color orange I assume, there’s more colors than that.

Is the answer you're looking for.



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