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JB CT Health Boost

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Haven't posted on the forums for a long ass while. But, after getting back and playing JB every now and then, I'm still completely astonished how OP the health boost is on the CT buy menu. I have been in so many situations where I'm shooting a CT and in the midst of us shooting each other he pops a Health Boost and he goes from whatever HP he had all the way to 135 instantly and it goes in the CT's favor almost every single time. Instead of their health being boosted only by 30 HP, in reality they can get back up to 134 more HP in seconds. I really believe that this feature must have some limitations, maybe something like you can only use it in the first 20-30 seconds of a round, or, you can't use it within 45 seconds of taking any sort of


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Edited by TheZZL
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I think it's fine as it is as the global limit for the healthboost is like 2 or something, and using a healthboost drains all of your CT credits leading you to be vulnerable if you catch yourself in a situation like that again. Having a one-time life saver using all your credits makes sense as if you had bought an item previously to help your team, you wouldn't be able to buy it. I think the healthboost just gives CTs and edge over 1v1s, as if you healthboosted while 2 people are spraying at you with AKs you probably wouldn't win either way. Other items in the menu are all great for different situations, such as the tac grenade to find Ts, the weapon buys and ammo reloads for if you're trying to clutch, and the healthshots for a less pricier health boost.


In summary I think the health boost is balanced enough as it only helps in certain situations and since it wastes all your CT credits.

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This was personally my favorite JB update to date as it buffed CT's without making the T's feel useless. CT side is a lot more enjoyable now, but the one change I would propose is to make it so the 135 HP boost is only purchasable in the first 30 seconds to maybe a minute so later in the round a CT with 4 hp can't immediately use a 1-UP.

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This was personally my favorite JB update to date as it buffed CT's without making the T's feel useless. CT side is a lot more enjoyable now, but the one change I would propose is to make it so the 135 HP boost is only purchasable in the first 30 seconds to maybe a minute so later in the round a CT with 4 hp can't immediately use a 1-UP.


If there will be a nerf on which time the healthboost would be availble for purchase I think the price should be knocked down to 300-350 and the global limit should stay the same since it will be less useful.

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I can’t comment on how strong the CT buy menu is because I haven’t played JB in awhile. But what I can say is that your suggestions wouldn’t be effective at all. The first 20-30 seconds in the round is when the CTs are getting their guns and first giving orders. Many of the orders during this time involve staying in your cell, so that limits the Ts from going out and getting weapons from elsewhere, which means limited early game gunfights. Also, most of the CTs will be full health or not low enough for it to be worth purchasing the 135 hp health boost. So, limiting the healthboost during this time (or any time) would make no sense, nor be beneficial. As for the “can’t be used within 45 seconds of taking any sort of damage” idea, this is even worse. 45 seconds is almost 1/5 of the round. Not only would this hurt CT gameplay, but would probably make people play CT less. Even if you lowered the time to 15 seconds, you are still hurting the CTs chances of living or fighting off multiple rebellers. With how T-sided our server is along with many situations where there are an imbalance amount of CTs & Ts, I think the health boost is fine where it is.

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Edited by Chad
Meant health boost, not shot
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This was personally my favorite JB update to date as it buffed CT's without making the T's feel useless. CT side is a lot more enjoyable now, but the one change I would propose is to make it so the 135 HP boost is only purchasable in the first 30 seconds to maybe a minute so later in the round a CT with 4 hp can't immediately use a 1-UP.


This update is great but putting a time limit on it would make it useless because it takes more than a min for the majority of the T’s to get weapons and it’s very hard for a CT to go crossmap to go to medic if they’re all camping near medic. Regardless if the CT has medic or not giving a global limit wouldn’t help either. For example, two privates take 10 damage and don’t like it they buy health boost then for the CT’s that actually need it to fend off the 8 T’s with weapons it wouldn’t be accessible? That just doesn’t make sense to give it a global limit or a time limit it’s fine the way it is.

Edited by Amazing
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I can’t comment on how strong the CT buy menu is because I haven’t played JB in awhile. But what I can say is that your suggestions wouldn’t be effective at all. The first 20-30 seconds in the round is when the CTs are getting their guns and first giving orders. Many of the orders during this time involve staying in your cell, so that limits the Ts from going out and getting weapons from elsewhere, which means limited early game gunfights. Also, most of the CTs will be full health or not low enough for it to be worth purchasing the 135 hp health boost. So, limiting the healthshot during this time (or any time) would make no sense, nor be beneficial. As for the “can’t be used within 45 seconds of taking any sort of damage” idea, this is even worse. 45 seconds is almost 1/5 of the round. Not only would this hurt CT gameplay, but would probably make people play CT less. Even if you lowered the time to 15 seconds, you are still hurting the CTs chances of living or fighting off multiple rebellers. With how T-sided our server is along with many situations where there are an imbalance amount of CTs & Ts, I think the health boost is fine where it is.


Chad I think you mistook the health boost as a health shot, even after your edit. I want to distinguish the two clearly as they both have different uses. The health shot should be used for emergency situations when a CT is trying to deal with a group of rebellers with guns and doesn't have close or immediate access to medic. The health boost should be used at the start of the round to provide extra HP in the first few, or just the first, fight the CT encounters with a rebeller.


I really don't think it makes sense as in my opinion the obvious go to for most maps and situations is to wait until you need HP to deal with some rebellers and use the health boost instead of the health shot. That doesn't make much sense and adding a time limit during which the CT's probably won't be getting shot is a good way of keeping the two seperate and from overlapping each other.


Edit: Maybe even remove the healing effect from the health boost unless you're already at 100 HP instead of the time limit? I'm not personally sold on which solution is best.

Edited by dafty
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Chad I think you mistook the health boost as a health shot, even after your edit.


No, I didn't get the 2 confused. I just accidentally typed health shot each time because I'm also used to TTT where they have a health shot as well.


I want to distinguish the two clearly as they both have different uses. The health shot should be used for emergency situations when a CT is trying to deal with a group of rebellers with guns and doesn't have close or immediate access to medic. The health boost should be used at the start of the round to provide extra HP in the first few, or just the first, fight the CT encounters with a rebeller.


My point was it's super silly to force CTs when they're "suppose" to use an item, especially one that uses ALL their credits for the round. Anyway, both purchases help to fight rebellers. One requires you to put away your guns and heal, the other is instant. There are obvious times where a health shot would be more useful/efficient and times where that quick 135 boost to full HP is needed. You, I or anyone doesn't have the right to tell someone when to use one or the other. This is why I'm so confused about why you're trying to force CTs to use them at specific times. I guess AT's are the only ones to "force" something, but that usually will come with discussions and ideas to be thrown around. I go into "more" detail in the next paragraph, but this pretty much summarizes what I'm trying to get at.


I really don't think it makes sense as in my opinion the obvious go to for most maps and situations is to wait until you need HP to deal with some rebellers and use the health boost instead of the health shot. That doesn't make much sense and adding a time limit during which the CT's probably won't be getting shot is a good way of keeping the two seperate and from overlapping each other.


Like Vanya has stated, you are sacrificing all your credits for the boost of health. If I decide to use the boost right before I fight 2 people, I just made it way more fair for me. But what just happened? I lost all my credits for the rest of the round. Now the only way to heal is medic. This is why it's balanced. If I'm being forced when to use my one time boost when the round just begins, where majority of players don't have any gun (besides a pistol or two), then I would probably buy the health boost left open and be forced to buy the health shots later, which are weak and situational like you stated.


Edit: Maybe even remove the healing effect from the health boost unless you're already at 100 HP instead of the time limit? I'm not personally sold on which solution is best.



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For me this isn't about policing the different uses of items beyond it's surface purpose but trying to avoid redundant items; I could see a thread 6 months from now asking for changes to one or the other based on the meta shift. Might as well just keep the topic in the air to avoid OP meta outcries considering tons of people are already questioning the balance of the boost vs the shots.

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For me this isn't about policing the different uses of items beyond it's surface purpose but trying to avoid redundant items; I could see a thread 6 months from now asking for changes to one or the other based on the meta shift. Might as well just keep the topic in the air to avoid OP meta outcries considering tons of people are already questioning the balance of the boost vs the shots.


I really don't think the meta would shift as much as you think. The Prisoners still have the advantage over the Guards, all the healthboost does is allow a Guard to survive longer during a gunfight. It's use shouldn't be at the start of the round, as an AWP would still kill you and those grenades thrown around would get rid of the boost. Use it how you'd like, but restricting it to a certain timeframe wouldn't make much sense.


@ShadoTheLunatic it can feel like you're getting fucked with by the healthboost and hitting for 134 or 200+ on a single CT, but your team is still demolishing them. Also, there's that global limit Vanya mentioned, so only a few CTs have that buff; Less or possible none if it was used earlier in the round.

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