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I really hope the "nice guys finish last" thing is a joke. If you actually believe that you've probably never interacted with a woman in any meaningful way.

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Talking and getting with girls is really about how you talk and act, if you are acting like this in real life and following this almost "nice guy" mindset its no wonder no girl ever has wanted to be around you. Usually a big issue I see with people who struggle is that they neglect a very common step that is important in creating any friendship/relationship and that's being happy; when you are sad nobody wants to be around you, you may believe they might want to get with you because of pity but I mean come on that's stupid, what kind of logic is that if anything you are making them lose interest if they had any to begin with -- people like being around happy people its a very simple psychological concept. Usually if you act lively and optimistic about things people will catch on and you'll begin to make friends, after that just be charismatic and if she gains interest or if you believe she has gained interest you shoot your shot and ask her out. Then things either work out or they don't. It isn't like people have ever been rejected either, happened once to me, its just one of those things that happen you know.

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22 hours ago, lynxie said:

Bro why do girls always go for the fuckboys.


why are there so many fuckboys 


bro please someone tell me WHY










brush your teeth folks..!


The answer is simple. Girls go for what's fun and dangerous. Try this. At a party tell them you have a girlfriend and watch as they flock and get interested in you. Why? Because if you have a girlfriend you must deliver in some form.

Then again I might not be the best person to ask. I've been in a reality show with all this shit and things just aren't the same when people recognize you

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45 minutes ago, ThatsNotLogical said:

Talking and getting with girls is really about how you talk and act, if you are acting like this in real life and following this almost "nice guy" mindset its no wonder no girl ever has wanted to be around you. Usually a big issue I see with people who struggle is that they neglect a very common step that is important in creating any friendship/relationship and that's being happy; when you are sad nobody wants to be around you, you may believe they might want to get with you because of pity but I mean come on that's stupid, what kind of logic is that if anything you are making them lose interest if they had any to begin with -- people like being around happy people its a very simple psychological concept. Usually if you act lively and optimistic about things people will catch on and you'll begin to make friends, after that just be charismatic and if she gains interest or if you believe she has gained interest you shoot your shot and ask her out. Then things either work out or they don't. It isn't like people have ever been rejected either, happened once to me, its just one of those things that happen you know.

I dont act like this at all in real life. I know when to seperate my online life from my real life personality. Expectations are always need to be met and it isn't hard for me to reach them. I'm fairly charismatic but I don't enjoy condoning certain method's of my life style. "You should try and vape." fuck no, that shit ain't for me. not trying to turn into my mother at my age.


"You should be friends with so and so!" And ruin my life in one hang out cause they thought it'd be fun to carry a gun (illegally) or drugs just cause, "gotta' fuck wit da gang shi"



I'm a really happy go lucky guy, confident in my speech, loud and verbal. "Funny" and dull. I'm the whole left right, up down.

2 hours ago, Demi said:

I really hope the "nice guys finish last" thing is a joke. If you actually believe that you've probably never interacted with a woman in any meaningful way.

I don't believe it at all, it's retarded. 

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17 hours ago, Will. said:

Here are some good tips, if you really want some:


-If you are in high school or less: Don't worry about dating, it's really fucking rare that that shit will last. Don't hit on the girls there, you will look like a simp bitch. Your crush is only a crush and will probably never date you. Just wait for when high school is done and go to fucking parties. Talk to girls there make some new friends. Get out of the fucking house. If you never go to parties and finally are invited to one. Go to it, you might make a dozen new friends that night. Parties are the easiest way to make friends, even when you are a shy bitch. It will get you out of your comfort zone. Girls don't like rejects. If you have more friends, it means more parties. Which means more fucking girls bro. Isn't that shit dope?

To resume: In high school don't date, don't hit on your crushes because she don't want you. Get out of the house, go to parties and make new friends.


-If you are in college: Stop being a bitch and go to fucking parties. Yeah, more parties, who would of known. Easiest way to meet people and make friends. Girls go to parties. It's college, don't get a fucking girlfriend. Go get your dick wet and have fun before college is over. Yeah you should study, sure, but don't ruin your social life either. Some girls will be desperate in college and might want your bitchy ass in their bed, so leave your dorm or house. It's not nice guys finish last, it's pussy non-confident guys who don't leave their house and don't talk to women who finish last.

To resume: It's college, don't get a girlfriend, Party when you can, study when you can, make friends and don't stay in your dorm or house when you aren't in class. Be confident, even if you aren't, girls don't want a wimpy bitch.


-For people who are done school: This is the time you want a girlfriend. Hopefully you have moved out of your parents basement and have found a job. Keep in touch with college friends, they might introduce you to a friend, who happens to be a girl. She might be the one who knows. DON'T DATE COWORKERS AND DON'T TRY TO HIT ON THEM. If seen guys do this and it's so fucking cringy. If she don't like you, it will be awkward for a long while. You could try to meet girls at bars, but honestly if it's not to get you dick wet for one night, I wouldn't trust them. Don't fall in love with a girl you just had a one night with. Honestly dating apps aren't bad or if you have guts, talk to girls who are alone,but don't be creepy. If you want tips of how to talk to girls, just google it. Their are loads of good tips online. Like the other categories, leave your house and keep a social life and maybe one day you will meet the one.

To resume: Don't date or hit on co-workers, dating app's can work, leave your house, talk to girls and keep a social life. You will not get a girlfriend by staying in your house, hitting on girls who just want to have fun on servers and staying infront of your computer all day.



No way I'm proof reading this shit. Hopefully these tips will help one simp on these forums. If you want to know how I got my girlfriend, it was after college when one of my mates from college introduced her to me. We hit it off from there.


Stay patient my simps


Nice guy's don't finish last. Non-confident pussy bitches who don't leave their house or talk to women finish last.


I am not trying to be mean with this post, just realistic.

This is the single best comment here. I'm speechless, can't really respond back to that

Thank you I guess?

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2 hours ago, lynxie said:

This is the single best comment here. I'm speechless, can't really respond back to that

Thank you I guess?

This is what worshipping pussy does to a mf. Just fuck the ugly, desperate hoes in college until you're ready to settle down with a 30-something year old who's been around the block more times than you can count.


Stop thinking about pussy 24/7 and stop treating women like something to be conquered. You're not missing out on anything earth shattering that's worth obsessing over.


Stop daydreaming all day and focus on improving yourself. Having more hobbies will make you an interesting person, which is attractive. Maybe hit the gym when you can. Stop treating every encounter with a girl like a potential mate. Your social anxiety will melt and you'll stop being a weirdo. Women don't have some crazy high expectation of what guys need to be, just the majority of us are greasy spergs that can't hold onto our spaghetti around them.


If you're actually looking for a long term relationship, paying attention to what they say and who they are will benefit you greatly. After about 2 years, you'll stop caring about their looks and will care more about who they are. If you were too busy oggling them before you got into the relationship, you've probably missed a bunch of red flags and will wonder how you got into a relationship with such a batshit crazy bitch.


TL;DR: Stop worshipping pussy, opportunities will present themselves sooner or later, and it's up to you if you want to take them.

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