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56 minutes ago, Reid99 said:

say where's a community meeting announcement it's been 10 days mange




Yeah, week might've been ambitious for all those things lmao. Should actually have this posted within a day or two though. Apologies for the delay.

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Figured I would add some things of my own, view them as opinions or feelings, whatever you choose. 

When I first joined SG I was in middle school and did what every kid gamer was doing, checking the new/hot game and trying to meet friends/have fun playing with other people. At the time CS was popular and fun; community servers were a way to take the game less serious and just hang out with some people that ending up becoming my friends. I had a lot of fun times and can name plenty of moments I shared with other SG members including some I still interact with today. As an adult I don't have as much time as I used to to constantly sit on the servers or in voice chat waiting for someone to join; but my main goal with SG as an adult is to foster a place for people to enjoy the community as much as I did. It is no secret SG is not in a place that it once was, but I can say we do still have these moments; just not as often.

As of now the community seems more "game night/get together" based when it comes to getting people in chat and just hanging out. Gaming has changed, there are so many games with their own servers that having things "community based" apart from a place for people to chat and hang out has sadly dissipated. There is no part of me that doesn't with I could still hop on Teamspeak and join a call with random people and just have some fun again, and maybe there are communities out there that still have this, sadly they are not home. I don't think there is one right or wrong reason for these things but just a combination of things. Yes some were avoidable and are just fuck ups on higher ups part, no one is denying that; but some are just unavoidable.

With all of that said we are working towards what makes us happy, which I think can be agreed upon by any staff; a place where people can come and have some fun and build some memories. Sure there isn't 500 people in discord chatting away constantly, but we do have some fun nights for sure. Secret Hitler, Lethal Company, Game Setup roasting, GMOD TTT (mainly just tamer RDMing anyone he can), or sometimes just a bunch of people hanging out late night chatting and streaming whatever random game they are playing.

In conclusion, there may not be one right way to skyrocket SG into the biggest community in the world, and who knows, maybe there is, but we are having fun, hanging out with new and old friends, and creating a place where we want to be. I invite anyone reading this post to join us on these nights and have some fun, because honestly it's not just about gaining the most players we can, but enjoying doing it along the way. :) 

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On 7/17/2024 at 6:24 AM, Spiritwind said:

" lower population numbers in recent times"

"struggled with activity in recent months"


It's been going on for years.  Not in recent times or months.  The crazy thing is, nothing is changing. 


People are not leaving because the supporter system needs a rework.  People are not leaving because the right people aren't being promoted.  People are not leaving because you haven't rebooted the same server for the 10th time.  People aren't leaving because of the community name.  People are leaving because of poor leadership and a lack of direction, organization, and sense of community.  Hell, the only thing you need to do to become BD now is to have gotten banned at one point and then just be active in discord.  It's a toxic environment, with the only people sticking around being those that feed on the constant narcissistic backslap that seems to go around, and a limited few who just miss the old days, hope that some day things will get better, and don't want to see it gone forever.  


There really is just a point where you have to sit down and look at what SG has become under the current leadership.  Just because it has a server up and some people that talk in discord does not mean its surviving.  


At the time of writing this, in the last 12 hours, only 1 person has attempted to connect/join an SG server.  That is where we are at.  That is the state and health of the 'community'.


Community Faith in SG leadership < 0


Honestly, at this point, why don't we just have a timer and if you play on an SG server for 30 minutes, you automatically get Admin.  Would save you guys some time.  Reminds me of joining a desperate 12 year olds minecraft and they scream 'if you stay I'll give you admin' into chat.  


I've been around for 8 years now. 8 years on and off with this community watching the clicks come and go. 8 years of watching people come and go. 


if you want more players playing then play too. if you want to help seed then help seed. be active if you want to see more activity. the truth of the matter is this community was a cs community at heart and valve have done everything they can to fuck community servers. the people who are still here and fighting are the ones that continue to play when they see the option. 


its kind of sad to see posts like this blaming the people who are still here for the people who no longer are. the community has moved heavily into discord and the discord is alive and well. we do party games together on a regular basis & the gmod server is often well populated. unfortunately in todays day and age forums are a thing of the past, and thats not gonna change. getting younger players to join a forum is like trying to bathe an angry cat. 


without adaptation to current times there will be no future, or present, for our community. 

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On 7/25/2024 at 12:33 AM, Karma said:

...checking the new/hot game and trying to meet friends/have fun playing with other people. At the time CS was popular and fun; community servers were a way to take the game less serious and just hang out with some people that ending up becoming my friends... 


On 7/25/2024 at 12:33 AM, Karma said:

...There is no part of me that doesn't with I could still hop on Teamspeak and join a call with random people and just have some fun again...

Damn, I miss it. Some of my fondest memories from middle & high school were coming home to hop in the CS:S JB server, only ever visiting the forums to report trolls and ask Floffy to make me a new custom spray every other week lol. And who could forget the GMOD PERP server... those were the days! I truly believe that, despite all of the accusations that leadership has failed in one way or another, the only thing hurting SG is that times have changed. I'm glad many of you have stuck around! 


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I apologize for my past transgressions during my time as legend. I was upset, angry, confused for the way things turned out, but most of all passionate to return to the days we all seem to reminisce. Hypocritical of me to be speaking of being passionate when I so very clearly was not expressing that at the time and I have no real excuse for that other than I, along many others, allowed our emotions and feelings take over and lose maturity and care at the time. No matter how devasting the state of SG is now, its still nice to see that a place I used to call my second home is still here. I didn't understand that back when I was a headache to all of you who were and still are in leadership. I do now. And however late it may be and however little it may mean to any of you, I'm sorry and wish you all truly the best. 


Long Live Steam-Gamers


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On 10/11/2024 at 1:41 AM, Greggy G said:

I apologize for my past transgressions during my time as legend. I was upset, angry, confused for the way things turned out, but most of all passionate to return to the days we all seem to reminisce. Hypocritical of me to be speaking of being passionate when I so very clearly was not expressing that at the time and I have no real excuse for that other than I, along many others, allowed our emotions and feelings take over and lose maturity and care at the time. No matter how devasting the state of SG is now, its still nice to see that a place I used to call my second home is still here. I didn't understand that back when I was a headache to all of you who were and still are in leadership. I do now. And however late it may be and however little it may mean to any of you, I'm sorry and wish you all truly the best. 


Long Live Steam-Gamers


it's ok, the following is still valid though:


fuck greggy

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30 minutes ago, Prez said:

it's ok, the following is still valid though:


fuck greggy

real he brainwasjhed me\


as much as i trot around like a dumbass memer these days not caring or w/e it's good to see the place in an alright spot esp with how i felt like a year or so ago


came here to dogpile dunking greggy lol but that big text is real from me you guys doin fine


i'm going back to my metaphor:refantazio hole (buy the game it's a banger) also praise pitou



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