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JB Electric and VIP Problem

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Since Electric and VIP having more than 1 variant or same map on the server, it kind of ruins the rtv and nomination because most of the time these are the maps that get played. Why haven't we fixed it by getting rid of the older versions if not already suggested or discussed?


Sector 1) Never got to it or don't have time (lollygaggggggg)


Sector 2) Discussed and rejected


Sector 3) ??????

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They're there because they're popular maps. While we can work towards encouraging players to try out new maps, it doesn't make sense to remove maps that players clearly enjoy.


Nonetheless, will bring it up with the team :).

I know that they are popular but it gets annoying after playing the same map 3x in a row. It really does get to the point where the community doesn’t get to explore the other maps that SG has to showcase. I really do think that most players don’t even know any other maps other that VIP and Electric. This is mainly true for new players as well.

Whenever I get on JB the map is Electric or VIP (most of the time Electric).

I kinda do want something to help with this.

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I know that they are popular but it gets annoying after playing the same map 3x in a row. It really does get to the point where the community doesn’t get to explore the other maps that SG has to showcase. I really do think that most players don’t even know any other maps other that VIP and Electric. This is mainly true for new players as well.

Whenever I get on JB the map is Electric or VIP (most of the time Electric).

I kinda do want something to help with this.


You're free to !nominate any map in the pool :) all players will be able to see the nominated maps when voting. Again, refreshing the map pool is an idea I'll bring it up with the team.

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The only solutions I've thought of is to:

A.) have one version of the map played count towards both maps being played on the map pool

- prevents playing _go and then _revamp right after eachother

B.) have those maps have an extended cooldown compared to other maps

- maybe takes 1.5x more maps played after the map ends for the map to be played again

I think idea B works better, as then other maps will be played more. The problem with idea A is that you could just play razer go, vip, razer revamp, other vip.

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Since Electric and VIP having more than 1 variant or same map on the server, it kind of ruins the rtv and nomination because most of the time these are the maps that get played. Why haven't we fixed it by getting rid of the older versions if not already suggested or discussed?


Sector 1) Never got to it or don't have time (lollygaggggggg)


Sector 2) Discussed and rejected


Sector 3) ??????


I agree with this. At most I’d say have 2 replicas of the same map if they don’t want to get rid of them all. People still end up extending the map when the vote comes :/

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I agree with this. At most I’d say have 2 replicas of the same map if they don’t want to get rid of them all. People still end up extending the map when the vote comes :/


True, but then when we have to vote on a new map they can't vote on revamp again.

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You're free to !nominate any map in the pool :) all players will be able to see the nominated maps when voting. Again, refreshing the map pool is an idea I'll bring it up with the team.


You can nominate any map you want, but if it's not one of the top 6 played, chances are you won't get more than like 2 votes.


I agree to an extent because it's pretty dumb to be able to go from ba_jail_electric_razor_go to ba_jail_electric_revamp_f2 which is literally a reskin of the first except for the addition of the Deagle room and the Glock secret (not really a secret) in pool. That can get boring quickly for a lot of people, but at this point people just kinda vote for the maps they know because why bother learning a new map when you can just go for the easy rebel or easy camp?


If we're gonna be on the topic of repeating maps it is fair to mention how there are two spy vs spy and lego maps. They're less played but still extremely similar to each other.

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Isn't the job of the ATs and the CAs to make decisions that they feel are best for the server? Hence why you choose not to implement certain heavily supported suggestions and make implementations that were never suggested.


While Razer does have a very important spot on our server (which retains population pretty well), the server isn't going to shut down if people aren't able to play it for 40 minutes every other hour.


TTT is impressed very little by the map, which is why people choose their favorite maps and you tend to see a lot of map variety. JB, on the other hand, hinges entirely on the map. Because of this, people choose the maps they know instead of learning new ones. They don't choose Razer because it's the perfect JB map, but because everyone and their mother knows all the secrets on it.


I feel that if people we're required to play more maps before coming back to Razer, they'd likely try to learn them and enjoy them more.

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