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I've been un-banned since January 4, 2020, and I had zero interest in returning to playing Jailbreak. I hadn't played counter strike much if at all when I was banned, however once un-banned I decided to hop on and shoot the shit. In my opinion Jailbreak is going down a path that I don't agree with and in turn is ruining it. Extending !fo to 60 seconds if there are more than 30 players on is absurd. A single CT is going to control a fifth of the round. This will handicap CTs, CTs work as a team not at the direction of a warden for 60 seconds, 30 seconds was already too long! If CTs are conflicting, an admin needs to put them in their place or someone needs to make a player complaint. What made this server so special was the lack of a "warden" system, admins engaged in enforcing the rules, and an awesome player base. Eliminating !fo special orders and freedays was essentially done from what I've read and heard because people abused and it got out of hand. If something is getting out of hand it's because of not enforcing the rules which means admin activity was low. I was a regular when the slots increased to 52, !fo was added, and everything else in between. The servers had little issues! Please let myself and other regulars help save this server, don't make me wait 6 months to ask when I can apply for admin, give me the privilege to apply now. I can restore order to jailbreak and make jailbreak great again!



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While I don't personally agree with this change, the concept is to be able to add more control to the server when the population is large and the server is hectic. When I suggested Head Guard, the point was to add control while letting other CTs contribute, but that's beside the point. But, with this being said, I think part of this change (I could be TOTALLY off here, but) is to also aid the admins. I know from an admin point of view when the population is at least 35+ and an admin peers at the server list and sees there's no other admin on they don't want to touch the server with a ten-foot pole.


I debated on stating this in a public thread, but the admins (myself included) need to stop looking at jailbreak when it's high pop and disregarding it because they don't want to deal with the server because of its player base. We (again, myself included) signed up for this so we need to do our voluntary duty and make the servers enjoyable. There are too many times for me to count on my fingers when I join the JB server at high pop and it is a shitstorm that needs to be contained to make the server fun for its players. To accomplish this efficiently and effectively, if you don't want to tackle jailbreak alone, get another admin or two, or three and both make the server fun and increase the pop.


I agree with lengthening !fo allowing only ONE person to speak for 1/5 of the round is the wrong direction for the server to go in. On top of that, both CTs and Ts get unmuted at the same time now, (in my eyes) guaranteeing chaos if !fo gives questionable orders. I believe this will only escalate the problem of chaos when the pop is high because it will only be a worse version of CTs and Ts talking over each other.


You mentioned in TeamSpeak going down the direction of making more rules to cover every loophole is not the right way to go since people will always push the bounds of the rules until new ones are made. You said that back when you played and pushed the rules that the admins would call you out on your shit and make sure you stopped. I agree that this is a better direction to go towards. I believe that going down the route of simplifying the rules and clamping down on those who push those bounds is the right way to go to improve the server and make it simple enough for anyone to understand the rules. But, the first step is getting more admins on the server so there are people to enforce those rules.

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Edited by Phoenix_
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This seems more like a campaign for admin rather than a actual rant or a way to pinpoint the problems of jailbreak.


Even though I don’t necessarily agree with the FO changes and that it should have at most been 45 seconds. I can see why they made the change and I can see how it can benefit the server since it’s harder for CTs to enforce orders or move a group of Ts when there are 30+ players.

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Edited by Takuto
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This seems more like a campaign for admin rather than a actual rant or a way to pinpoint the problems of jailbreak.


I don't need to campaign, I've been an admin before and was arguably the most transparent staff member. Since, every action I took was live streamed and archived for anyone to challenge. This post in and of itself points out some problems of jailbreak from my point of view. I don't care about being staff, I care about preserving a server and it's prestige for future regulars not a color and title!

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there's many factors that affect these changes over time including possible low staff or just general increase in difficult players as a whole. I think you'd be better off thinking of other ways to improve the system and keep things orderly


Exactly this.


I don't speak for the team with this post, but personally I've logged a shitton of hours undercover on JB over the past few weeks to get a good idea of what the server is like without admins on. It's pretty bad for the CTs when the population is high. I would venture to say that CTs don't work together like they used to; instead we've ventured into a very DM-like feel on Jailbreak where CTs don't work together as often and Ts are left to their own devices and end up rebelling quite easily, especially on higher populations. While not having a warden system has enabled us to take advantage of this incredible niche, as our server population changes this niche can either bite us in the ass or help us grow. It is as a result of our current server state that I felt we needed the CTs needed more tools to be able to have control over not just the Ts but amongst themselves.


Every rule in the ruleset has its purpose. Rules that we think are unnecessary or restrictive were put there by some circumstance or scenario which prompted the ATs at the time to draft and implement a rule to prevent that scenario. Admins are only able to enforce rules explicitly in the ruleset, and cannot punish people who aren't breaking the rules. By clarifying grey areas in our ruleset and FAQ we enable admins to have greater control over people who toe the line and cause a detrimental experience for other players.


...This will handicap CTs, CTs work as a team not at the direction of a warden for 60 seconds, 30 seconds was already too long! If CTs are conflicting, an admin needs to put them in their place or someone needs to make a player complaint. What made this server so special was the lack of a "warden" system, admins engaged in enforcing the rules, and an awesome player base....I was a regular when the slots increased to 52, !fo was added, and everything else in between. The servers had little issues!


I think it's good to expect admins to be on a server and admin, but with how chaotic it gets at 52 slots I don't blame some of them for not wanting to touch the server. This change is meant to enable CTs to continue having order when the round starts and more players are alive, thus keeping things orderly and (as a side effect) easier to moderate. It seems you're suggesting we loosen things up again, but with our current server population I don't imagine we would be able to do so without significantly causing more chaos and confusion as opposed to the utopia of CTs working together to accomplish a common goal. Prior to this !fo change the server was already in quite a poor state on high population. You mentioned that back in the day slots increased to 52, !fo was added, and "everything else in between", but nothing much has changed since that time and the present.



With that being said, all the numbers above (30 seconds, 60 seconds) are arbitrary. 60 seconds is a start, and we can adjust it as we go. I'd rather have it higher than necessary, observe the results, and lower it if necessary as opposed to making it lower and upping it. This change hasn't even been tested on a high population server yet (I implemented this at 11PM last night) so I'm a little curious to see why people are already complaining about how it's causing the server to be more chaotic or less fun.


Anyway, thank you for the feedback. This change likely isn't final as mentioned above and so feel free to keep giving feedback as this change gets played out. We're aware that people have suggested alternate means of "fixing" the system, but this change was discussed and agreed on in a JB community meeting 1-2 months ago and was just recently completed at the technical level. I'd rather test this first and then experiment with other solutions if necessary, so don't think that your suggestion is being rejected now that this change was made.

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Edited by fantastic
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I think the values are fair for what they are set to with being just an extra 30 seconds when the player count is over 30. I have also noticed while watching the game play that when there is a lot of guards trying to give orders over others that nobody can understand what to do.

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Edited by BoTo
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I was planning on returning home today and playing on the server and then casting my opinion, but no one seems to think we should wait and see how it plays out in-game. This change-log was made at midnight. A change like this that varies with the number of players on the server is a change we shouldn't immediately start talking about how bad it is, give it some time. Actually play the server with the 30 people, and then comment if you agree or disagree with the change.

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Edited by TheZZL
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I would venture to say that CTs don't work together like they used to; instead we've ventured into a very DM-like feel on Jailbreak where CTs don't work together as often and Ts are left to their own devices and end up rebelling quite easily, especially on higher populations. --- It is as a result of our current server state that I felt we needed the CTs needed more tools to be able to have control over not just the Ts but amongst themselves.


I believe this is some of the main issues with the server currently, and it's something pretty much out of our control. I'm not entirely sure when the boat tipped from CTs working together to "every man for themselves, I want my kills", but it's not healthy in the long run from the way I see it. While T side can either be entirely individually based or working together from time to time, I think CT needs to be centered around working together to have the most enjoyable server possible. It's quite unfortunate that the "meta" has become give strict orders and pull the trigger the nanosecond someone makes a slight transgression to the order to get their K:D up. --- I personally disagree with going down the path of centralizing power to one CT compared to a style centered around teamwork. How would we accomplish teamwork semi-forcibly? I'm unsure, but it's something I will for sure put thought into. While I personally disagree with the direction of this change made last night, I do respect the team trying to tackle the issue and time will tell if this change is negative or positive for the server.



I think it's good to expect admins to be on a server and admin, but with how chaotic it gets at 52 slots I don't blame some of them for not wanting to touch the server. This change is meant to enable CTs to continue having order when the round starts and more players are alive, thus keeping things orderly and (as a side effect) easier to moderate. It seems you're suggesting we loosen things up again, but with our current server population I don't imagine we would be able to do so without significantly causing more chaos and confusion as opposed to the utopia of CTs working together to accomplish a common goal. Prior to this !fo change the server was already in quite a poor state on high population. You mentioned that back in the day slots increased to 52, !fo was added, and "everything else in between", but nothing much has changed since that time and the present.


As I mentioned in my original reply, even though I am also guilty of looking at a high pop server and not wanting to touch it, the admins still need to make sure the server is free of rule breakers and being honest when the population is high and there are no admins, I'd be willing to bet money at least 7/10 there is a rule-breaker or two that need to be taken care of to keep the server fun for everyone. We all dream of a utopian server where the CTs work together to accomplish a common goal and that's rather unrealistic with the current player base, but I believe we can definitely work towards a realistic goal of the staff working together as a team and going to the server in groups so we can have each other's backs. I see it in a server like TTT all the time where the admins naturally work together cohesively and keep the server great for its players. It's something that's achievable and it's something we can start at any time.


I was planning on returning home today and playing on the server and then casting my opinion, but no one seems to think we should wait and see how it plays out in-game. This change-log was made at midnight. A change like this that varies with the number of players on the server is a change we shouldn't immediately start talking about how bad it is, give it some time. Actually play the server with the 30 people, and then comment if you agree or disagree with the change.


Everyone is entitled to their opinion on whether they have experienced the change or not. Let people express their thoughts on the change without criticizing them for not experiencing it yet. Believe it or not, people can have thoughts on something that isn't in practice. How do you think we get a change in the first place? People express their thoughts on a concept and it gets worked on from there.

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I had previously experienced a very similar feeling with TTT. As regs leave, and new demographics populate the server, the way people choose to play the gamemode tend to change. This means, to a certain extent here, you're the minority. If every other kid on jailbreak enjoys their time, there's really nothing wrong.


I think if you could more precisely pinpoint what's going on that you take issue with, it would be easier to approach the issue. Many of us expressed that TTT had become too deathmatchy, and management was more than willing to work with us to improve the gamemode. I'm not sure what exactly what's changed with jailbreak since you've been gone. Quite frankly, I've never found many players have what it takes to be a good CT that takes charge of the round, always needing someone with stones to take charge. Maybe you could clarify the differences between now and when you left to help us better understand.

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I had previously experienced a very similar feeling with TTT. As regs leave, and new demographics populate the server, the way people choose to play the gamemode tend to change. This means, to a certain extent here, you're the minority. If every other kid on jailbreak enjoys their time, there's really nothing wrong.


I think if you could more precisely pinpoint what's going on that you take issue with, it would be easier to approach the issue. Many of us expressed that TTT had become too deathmatchy, and management was more than willing to work with us to improve the gamemode. I'm not sure what exactly what's changed with jailbreak since you've been gone. Quite frankly, I've never found many players have what it takes to be a good CT that takes charge of the round, always needing someone with stones to take charge. Maybe you could clarify the differences between now and when you left to help us better understand.


Most of it comes down to playerbase in my opinion. The new generation doesn't value the same things as my generation or the generation before. I think part of the reason jailbreak feels so cancer at the moment is the mentality of these new CTs to be honest. It feels like every time I've joined the server over the last year and a half it's been a bunch of squeaky try hards when in reality the CTs main function on the server is to provide entertainment through creative orders, not say 'go to x. Crouch walk the whole way' or some other cancer crap order. In addition to that; I think that the way some of the newer T's play is absolutely soul sucking. Don't be afraid to rebel or volunteer for suicide death games like skeet shooting. Return the server to its roots of spontaneous fun and ridiculous moments based on organic situational humor and we'll be golden.


Unfortunately with how sweaty some of these children and teens alike are we're probably better off playing the lottery at this point.


Something else I'd like to bring up is the slow creep towards being like every other server. Obviously as an AT I'm in position to make change on that front and will be more vocal about some issues I've seen over the last year or so. We're committed to making the server great but we can only do so much. We need regs and admins a like to reset the culture on the server or all you'll see is a slow slide towards being the next tango or who the fuck ever.

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