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Mic Spam

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I don't know what to do but I am wondering if there's a way to somehow without being admin mute CTs or take an !fo command but like for mid-game because there are a lot of mic spams but if theres no admin we can't really do anything except wait for an admin to get on. People also conflict a-lot and just spam their mics. But we can't do anything.

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I don't know what to do but I am wondering if there's a way to somehow without being admin mute CTs or take an !fo command but like for mid-game because there are a lot of mic spams but if theres no admin we can't really do anything except wait for an admin to get on. People also conflict a-lot and just spam their mics. But we can't do anything.

Do !calladmin or make player complaint. Or self mute by pressing tab and clicking on the speaker button.

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Normally when playing you don’t want to mute a ct so that there is no chance of missing an order, but if they are conflicting and mic spamming they probably aren’t going to be giving orders u need to follow or orders at all for that fact. I would say mute them, but that is really only a short term solution, to fix it for the long run, Is say just get an admin or make a player complaint.

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If u want to u can also !sm @ts( i forgot if u need space in between or cts) then !su to self unmute

Keep in mind this will only mute them for yourself

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Its like every CT is shouting into their mic giving different order and no one can do anything

That’s just JB. I’d suggest when that happens look around and see what your teammates are doing and go from there. Instead of listening if it’s too loud, annoying voice, or just a dick trash talking people, whatever the reason.

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I now see the issue bunny is talking about. It’s a big problem, even when an admin IS on. When there are more than 12 CT’s all trying to give orders as soon as first order is down, it becomes very hectic and very loud.

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It would be useful to limit mic use to 4-5 CTs at once. When retards are hogging the mic to argue or micspam, it will be easier for admins to pick them out and mute them. A CT shouldn't be enforcing an order they gave with 10 people talking over them anyways, so it wouldn't be a terrible hindrance to CTs. Make sure to include a toast to let people know they aren't talking, so they don't try to enforce orders that aren't making their way to VC.

@eXtr3m3 @Manny

Edited by Gentoo
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That’s just JB

Pretty much just an unavoidable part of the gamemode, that any CT can give an order. One of the flaws of not having a server with a warden feature. If someone is "mic-spamming" as you say and are not giving any orders, you can either a) !calladmin on the offender or b) make a player complaint. Either is a good option to deal with the mic-spammer. If too many people are talking you can use the !sm @Ts command to self mute T's or !sm @CTs to mute CT's. If you want to self mute a certain player, do !sm @"player name"...

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