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Adding the command Votekick by Jmcdon7

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Hey as a long time player with the name Jmcdon7 I have a suggestion of adding votekick. The command can be anything you guys desire like Votekick:JohnDoe58 or even a command like !votekick JohnDoe58 or /votekick JohnDoe58. That isn't the point. The point is we have to wait for an admin when someone is breaking the rules and that definetly is not fun. I believe we should do that command and have to all write down/type a reason even if it is ranging from one scentence to 3 words or even a paragraph. If this feature is added thank you for listening and I feel as if this would be beneficial to the community and fair to everyone who actually is following the set community guidelines.:)

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I agree that it could be abused, but maybe introduce it as a vip perk. If found abusing it would result in a loss of vip and possibly banned. It would be nice to have a tool for trusted regulars to deal with rule breakers when admins arent around.

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I agree that it could be abused, but maybe introduce it as a vip perk. If found abusing it would result in a loss of vip and possibly banned. It would be nice to have a tool for trusted regulars to deal with rule breakers when admins arent around.


Are you suggesting allowing VIP's to be able to initiate a votekick, or enable VIP's (or trusted regulars) to kick. Either or, we have admins (Trusted regulars) to do that job. The process of finding out if a VIP is abusing their permission would be as lengthy as filing a player complaint, meaning multiple people would be kicked out of the server before the VIP's permissions are revoked.


It's easier to just keep with what we have, and let players make player complaints.

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I agree that it could be abused, but maybe introduce it as a vip perk. If found abusing it would result in a loss of vip and possibly banned. It would be nice to have a tool for trusted regulars to deal with rule breakers when admins arent around.


People that buy VIP though aren't trusted, they just had 10$ to spend so they spent it on here. I've seen people join for the first time I told them about forums and then they went to forums and came back with VIP. It would be abused by every regular, it doesn't matter how you do it. In my opinion, nobody is really "trusted" besides admins. Even sometimes, they can be out of line.

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Are you suggesting allowing VIP's to be able to initiate a votekick, or enable VIP's (or trusted regulars) to kick. Either or, we have admins (Trusted regulars) to do that job. The process of finding out if a VIP is abusing their permission would be as lengthy as filing a player complaint, meaning multiple people would be kicked out of the server before the VIP's permissions are revoked.


It's easier to just keep with what we have, and let players make player complaints.


It wouldn't be a straight up kick, it would be a vote to kick. Example, a regular who follows the rules and has been a vip for a certain amount of time would be given a vote kick command. There are times where admins arent on for a decent amount of time and having the command would be helpful. It could be a good tool that would be positive for the community, just depends on giving the command to people who can be trusted with it. Im not saying it should be given to every one who has vip, but there are a few vip regulars I know would use this command properly and not abuse it.

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I agree that it could be abused, but maybe introduce it as a vip perk. If found abusing it would result in a loss of vip and possibly banned. It would be nice to have a tool for trusted regulars to deal with rule breakers when admins arent around.


Isn't Afterpot a VIP?


jokes aside, players already have !calladmin, sb/ts chats and player complaints. allowing players to kick people would be heavily abused for a while until it is understood that admins will regularly punish for it. on TTT I see it as a 50/50 shot of working however on JB its almost guaranteed to be abused against strict CTs and players people don't like. Unless youre playing on Tasmanian time an admin will usually come to sort things out when summoned using one of the current methods available

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It wouldn't be a straight up kick, it would be a vote to kick. Example, a regular who follows the rules and has been a vip for a certain amount of time would be given a vote kick command. There are times where admins arent on for a decent amount of time and having the command would be helpful. It could be a good tool that would be positive for the community, just depends on giving the command to people who can be trusted with it. Im not saying it should be given to every one who has vip, but there are a few vip regulars I know would use this command properly and not abuse it.


So this:

Are you suggesting allowing VIP's to be able to initiate a votekick,



Even if you think someone can be trusted, they can still go ahead and abuse things. Why not just stick with what we already have, players making admin applications to be a "trusted regular with permissions".

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Hey as a long time player with the name Jmcdon7 I have a suggestion of adding votekick. The command can be anything you guys desire like Votekick:JohnDoe58 or even a command like !votekick JohnDoe58 or /votekick JohnDoe58. That isn't the point. The point is we have to wait for an admin when someone is breaking the rules and that definetly is not fun.


First off if you see someone breaking the rules there is alot of different ways you can help. Message an admin on steam, !calladmin, or make a player complaint.


Second, adding votekick would not be a good idea because it can be abused way to easily. I get that it is hard to deal with rule breakers on a daily basis when there is not admins on but votekick is not something that should be added to help solve this issue.

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Well jmcdon this isn't a new idea lol.

But still as said above it could be abused just because I'm a kid I'd get kicked. Also aren't you a kid, a bunch of people would just scream you're freekilling then get you kicked lol.

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