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Hey guys


So as probably all of you know, many places have been quarantined all over the world and I am forced to stay at home (it's not like I had friends anyways). So, considering that I'm going to be playing on SG A LOT over the next month, I am definitely considering purchasing a subscriber or VIP subscription.


I just wanted to gauge the interest in the subscription itself: is it worth it? Also, which would be a better deal, sub or VIP?

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If you're going to be spending a lot of time on the servers (which you said you are) VIP easily. You'll easily get an enormous amount of things like credits and raffle points with how much you play, even moreso than if you got Sub. At least IMO, both are worth based off their benefits if you play a ton.

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VIP is good for if you plan to play a lotttttttttttttttt of SG. It can get you a lot of credits and raffle points which could pay off the time if you enter a raffle or purchase anything in our shop. To me its a good way to support SG and show how much you would commit to it by just donating.

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Adding on to what Reid said, personally I've had both Sub and VIP and IMO I find having VIP not only better because of the credits/raffle like Reid said, but as well as the cosmetics you can get they look better, not as buggy, you get better-looking anime girls in ZE and overall make you look cooler than everyone else. So as my suggestion I would buy VIP if I were you. The link and the remaining perks can be found here!

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Vip has more benefits no matter which way you look at it. 6 credits every minute and 20 raffle tickets every minute. Also access to every temporary skin in the shop which is a huge reason for me. Just listing why I get Vip over Subscriber. Subscriber does everything Vip does just a bit less. It will come down to your choice but if you have the money Vip all the way, Subscriber still a great choice as well.

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I personally think VIP is the better option. You receive a lot more raffle tickets and store credits for just playing on the servers. 6 times what you receive as a normal player! There are lots of commands you gain access to upon becoming VIP which are really cool, and it helps support the community!

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VIP easily. If you are going to nonstop play, you might as well get this. With vip you have all of the sub stuff and more. If you are looking to spend less money though, you should go with sub. Either way, both of them are amazing options and you should totally cop.

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