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[JB] T Ranks

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I think this idea has been said before, and might possibly currently be under review or is currently being implemented, but I just think that it would be really cool to have T Ranks as well as CT Ranks in JB. It could be based off points, or time played, and could go from maybe prisoner to gang leader to maybe like crime lord or something like that.

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I think this idea has been said before, and might possibly currently be under review or is currently being implemented, but I just think that it would be really cool to have T Ranks as well as CT Ranks in JB. It could be based off points, or time played, and could go from maybe prisoner to gang leader to maybe like crime lord or something like that.


There already is t ranks. Click on the stats page and go to Jailbreak. If you click on players that is where you can find your t rank. I think we could add some sort of categorizing feature just like ct ranks. It is a nice idea. Thank you for the suggestion.

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There already is t ranks... Click on the stats page and go to Jailbreak. If you click on players that is where you can find your t rank.


If im not mistaken he wants like a system like CT where if a player plays a certain amount on CT they get a rank (private, sergeant, lieutenant, captain etc) so hes suggesting that instead of time on T you make it like points (when you kill a ct) and if they reach a certain amount of points they get a tag

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Yep there is a point system but that should be reset there is players that are long gone that are still at the top. Anyways this would be a cool idea and I did mention it but I got the same response. Hope this gets added because it will show the people who are loyal to the servers.

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As everyone else is stated, I assume he's talking about adding ranks to T like how CT has Captain, General, etc. I really do like this idea to make it more "competitive" for T's to compete with one another. If this indeed what you were referring to benzene, i'm curious on what the best measurement would be. I personally would vote for CT kills because it should make T's have more of a reason to rebel and kill CTs and cause chaos for CTs.

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I think there could be two routes we could go at this or implement both, there could be one route to go like Chad said with most CT Kills or best KDR on T side which could cause some issues for CTs resulting in a lot of Ts rebelling. Another one could be T time spent alive because that means they are actively listening and following the rules and not rebelling, which could possibly help bring back more of the RP aspect of the JB game mode.

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Whatever happens with this, I just want to make sure that no one listens to a word jmc says about resetting the point rankings. Points shouldn't be what these ranks are decided on, and points should stay exactly the way they are.

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I don't really know where this discussion has gone but I think ranks on T would be cool (ranks like on CT side, Captain, Sergeant etc.) The Ct ranks are a cool way to show off how much you don't go outside so why not some T ranks as well. Some T rank name ideas could be Wife (lowest rank for a prisoner), Inmate, Solider, Kingpin, Godfather. Just some quick names off the top of my head, I'm sure there are some better names than my ideas. Having a way to track your progress is always enjoyed and I'm sure T Ranks would add some new fun variety.

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Aelius people who aren’t playing anymore are at the top dog, we should give more loyal players a chance to get there. For instance you would probably be at the top since you play a lot and you are good too. The only people affected are Chy and Casual.


Chad and Casual both play the server almost everyday. You’re literally affecting everyone that has a decently high rank. No point in that.


This could be a small addition. I remember though it took awhile to get CT ranks into the game and I don’t believe there are any existing plugins for T ranks so a TA member would have to attack this one.

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