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[JB] Warden: Attainment of Warden

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DISCLAIMER: Anything discussed in this thread is subject to change. Nothing here is set in stone and we're merely looking for opinions as to what features the community wants. We strongly encourage you to spread this thread around and get the opinions of as many players as possible.


This thread is related to the warden plugin that the Jailbreak team is considering implementing. We would like some input as to what the community feels is the best way of attaining warden. That is, if you're a player on Jailbreak, how do you want to be able to become warden?


Some suggestions to get the discussion started:


1. Warden queue

2. Players voting for who the warden will be

3. Wardens must be in the top X CTs


Please read through the entirety of the thread to catch up on the discussion before posting. Thanks :).


You can find the warden megathread here.

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1. Warden queue

2. Players voting for who the warden will be

3. Wardens must be in the top X CTs




I feel like a warden should be voted in at the start of the map and they stay warden until either they leave, get switched for being bad, they retire from being warden, or the server votes them out for doing a bad job. If someone were to get warden i feel like they should get the clan tag WARDEN on the scoreboard just so it makes things easier to see who's warden.

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a warden que mixed with a CT playtime requirement would be a good combo since you wont have people who have zero experience of CT become warden nor will you have the same person being Warden every round


i dont think that players should vote for a warden cause it will just become abused and people would just pick the people they like or people who would just give special orders or freedays

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All three ideas are good as the warden queue would stop 1 player from getting warden every time,with warden being only alot of ct playtime could work but, there are alot of players with alot of time on ct but don't know rules.

Having the cts vote on who should be a extra form of stopping cts who don't know rules getting warden but the problem @Takuto mentioned could be something to work on.

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i like the idea of voting for warden but there are some flaws. people might be good cts but are not well liked by the majority so they wont be voted for. however this could possibly encourage some of the less popular cts to change their behaviour. not by giving fds all the time but by being less toxic and trying to be more fun while still being a strict ct. there would have to be a way to prevent cts from giving fds in exchange for warden votes.

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there would have to be a way to prevent cts from giving fds in exchange for warden votes.
(solution if gone this route maybe that Wardens can’t give FDs if other CTs are muted?)


I believe a Warden Queue would be better for our server. The queue for warden will be based off of play time and people that request/want to be it as there are players who’d just wish to enforce on CT and not give orders. Same idea that was being suggested for a CT queue plugin.

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Using a voting system will create an environment for abuse, and I'm not opposed to trying it out. However, I'm letting it be known that this will get abused fast. People who don't deserve it (or will use warden properly) will get warden, while those who aren't liked will rarely ever get it (regardless of how good of a CT they are).

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