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Changing the names of our ranks

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Hello everyone,


The Board has been discussing possibly changing the names of our ranks for some time now. We have some ideas of our own that we'll be presenting below for you to comment on, but we'd also like for you guys to give us new ideas. You can disagree with a change, bring up an alternative, comment on a rank not stated here, etc. Now is the time to do it all. The name list we've come up with is as follows:


President -> President

Vice President -> Vice President

Board of Directors -> Directors


Internal Affairs -> Internal Affairs


Administrative Manager -> Lead Manager

Administrative Team - Server Manager


Technical Manager -> Technical Manager

Technical Team -> Technical Administrator

Junior Technical Administrator -> Junior Technical Administrator


Events Manager -> Lead Coordinator

Events Team -> Event Coordinator


Media Manager -> Lead Designer

Media Team -> Designers


Modding Manager -> Lead Mapper

Modding Team -> Mapper


Lead Advisor -> Lead Advisor

Community Advisor -> Community Advisor


Senior Administrator -> Senior Administrator

Administrator -> Administrator

Legend -> Legend


Please feel free to comment on any of this - just stay on the topic of rank names and don't go off track onto something else.

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Hello everyone,


The Board has been discussing possibly changing the names of our ranks for some time now. We have some ideas of our own that we'll be presenting below for you to comment on, but we'd also like for you guys to give us new ideas. You can disagree with a change, bring up an alternative, comment on a rank not stated here, etc. Now is the time to do it all. The name list we've come up with is as follows:


President -> President

Vice President -> Vice President

Board of Directors -> Directors


Internal Affairs -> Internal Affairs


Administrative Manager -> Lead Manager

Administrative Team - Server Manager


Technical Manager -> Technical Manager

Technical Team -> Technical Administrator

Junior Technical Administrator -> Junior Technical Administrator


Events Manager -> Lead Coordinator

Events Team -> Event Coordinator


Media Manager -> Lead Designer

Media Team -> Designers


Modding Manager -> Lead Mapper

Modding Team -> Mapper


Lead Advisor -> Lead Advisor

Community Advisor -> Community Advisor


Senior Administrator -> Senior Administrator

Administrator -> Administrator

Legend -> Legend


Please feel free to comment on any of this - just stay on the topic of rank names and don't go off track onto something else.


RIP events team boys no more event team best team :(

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All of these look really good, I like how we're using "lead manager" to organize the team leaders. My one worry comes with the Change from Administrative manager to Lead Manager. If I'm not mistaken, the AM (Fuze) is the manager for the administrative team only. Having a title called "Lead Manager" might confuse people in thinking that he is the manager of the managers (Like the "King of kings"). My proposed change for AM would be Lead Administrative Manager, but that's kind of a handful. We could also just keep it as Administrative Manager


Administrative Manager -> Lead Administrative Manager





Administrative Manager -> Administrative Manager

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idk if its just me but board of directors sounds better than just directors. also i personally think the different teams sound better but it could just be being used to those names. im not against any of the name changes but except maybe directors but im also not opposed to keeping it the same.

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All of these look really good, I like how we're using "lead manager" to organize the team leaders. My one worry comes with the Change from Administrative manager to Lead Manager. If I'm not mistaken, the AM (Fuze) is the manager for the administrative team only. Having a title called "Lead Manager" might confuse people in thinking that he is the manager of the managers (Like the "King of kings"). My proposed change for AM would be Lead Administrative Manager, but that's kind of a handful. We could also just keep it as Administrative Manager


Administrative Manager -> Lead Administrative Manager



Or just


Administrative Manager -> Administrative Team Manager


Since I assume the team names are still the same, right?


Events Team is still the Events Team, it's just the individual rank names that have changed. Therefore @Bacon is an Event Coordinator and not an "Event Team" as it used to be.


And the Board of Directors are still the Board of Directors but now the individual members are just "Directors." Correct?


Easy to understand "graphic" of what I mean...



President -> President

Vice President -> Vice President


Team Name: Board of Directors

Individual Name(s):Board of Directors -> Directors


Internal Affairs -> Internal Affairs


Team Name:Administrative Team

Individual Name(s):Administrative Manager -> Lead Manager

Individual Name(s):Administrative Team - Server Manager


Team Name: Technical Team

Individual Name(s):Technical Manager -> Technical Manager

Individual Name(s):Technical Team -> Technical Administrator

Individual Name(s):Junior Technical Administrator -> Junior Technical Administrator


Team Name:Events Team

Individual Name(s):Events Manager -> Lead Coordinator

Individual Name(s):Events Team -> Event Coordinator


Team Name:Media Team

Individual Name(s):Media Manager -> Lead Designer

Individual Name(s):Media Team -> Designers


Team Name: Modding Team

Individual Name(s):Modding Manager -> Lead Mapper

Individual Name(s):Modding Team -> Mapper


Team Name:Community Advisors

Individual Name(s):Lead Advisor -> Lead Advisor

Individual Name(s):Community Advisor -> Community Advisor

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Modding Manager -> Lead Mapper

Modding Team -> Mapper


Honestly, I don't like this name change. It could be something less specific like Modder? (as @urp suggested) but I still don't think it should be changed to Mapper since that's implying you only do things with maps (which you don't). Of course it's still subject to change but I personally dislike it.

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To go down the list of what I think would be better:

Board of Directors - keep as is, sounds nicer than simply Directors

Events Manager - as well keep as is, with the role 'Lead Coordinator', it doesn't even sound like it has anything to do with events, but that's just my opinion

Modding team --> modder, as I'm pretty sure the modding team does more than just mapping

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Since a few replies have built up now I'll make a reply.


@TheZZL @Manny


The plan was to scrap "Administrative Team" completely and switch to Server Managers, so the "team name" would be no more. It's a confusing / vague name that doesn't explain much about the rank and "Server Manager" explains what they do much better. So with that, anything including "Administrative" probably wouldn't make much sense. A good point was brought up about the "Lead Manager" thing, so feel free to keep brainstorming for that one.




Each Director would still make up the Board of Directors. It just doesn't make much sense for someone to hold the rank "Board of Directors" as no one person makes up the entire Board.




My mindset, similar to with AT -> SM, is that it's not super easy to understand what it does from the outside looking in. Visiting another forum and seeing the rank "Mapper" is pretty self-explanatory and may immediately catch someone's interest, but "Modding Team" doesn't seem to have that same effect. The name was originally switched from "Mapping" to "Modding" with what you had said in mind. However, I think the work the team would do outside of mapping is so minuscule that it'd still make plenty of sense. Majority of it would probably be map work and majority of the people coming into the rank would probably only know how to do map work.


Thank you guys for the replies thus far.

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