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CT Buy Menu!

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Hello everyone,


Today we are releasing a buy menu for the CTs. This change will give the CTs the buff they need to continue keeping peace within the prison.

Listed below are all the items the CT buy menu has to offer.

Guards will receive 500 credits at the start of each round, credits will reset every round. The command to open the menu is /ctbuy or /menu.


Item Price Personal Limit Global Limit
AWP 350 1 5
AK-47 300 1 5
M4A4 300 1 5
M4A1-S 300 1 5
AUG 300 1 5
Ammo Refill 200 1 5
Health Boost Disabled Disabled Disabled
Medi-Shot 250 1 6
Tactical Awareness Grenade 150 2 5
??? ??? ??? ???

In the coming weeks these values will most likely change as we try to balance the items. Please use this thread to post your thoughts, and any balancing/changes you would like to see.


Huge thanks to @BoTo for making this!
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I agree with what Scrolls said here,


I feel M4A1-S should be 200 or 225 (maybe even 250) as its not as powerful as the M4A4


other than that, this will def help cts control the prison


I also feel that this weapon isn't as powerful and if its the same credits as the AK it wouldn't be used as much if not at all. maybe changing the credit amount may be beneficial?


Either way this is a very big change thanks, @BoTo, @Infinityward_ & @Bacon for the hard work! :pogslide:

Edited by Astral
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Will you be removing all the guns from armory on every map, or maybe limiting the number that spawn in armory? Cause i don't see a reason to buy any guns from the menu if you can pick them up on most maps for free. Only use i can see it having is if you want to swap guns while fighting the t's but even then, i don't see it making a huge difference.

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Will you be removing all the guns from armory on every map, or maybe limiting the number that spawn in armory? Cause i don't see a reason to buy any guns from the menu if you can pick them up on most maps for free. Only use i can see it having is if you want to swap guns while fighting the t's but even then, i don't see it making a huge difference.


No we will not be removing guns from armory. The purpose for weapon buys is exactly what you thought. If for instance you were in AWP secret and there was no AWP, you could buy one. It's there for when the CTs need it.

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Will you be removing all the guns from armory on every map, or maybe limiting the number that spawn in armory? Cause i don't see a reason to buy any guns from the menu if you can pick them up on most maps for free. Only use i can see it having is if you want to swap guns while fighting the t's but even then, i don't see it making a huge difference.


A lot of the times I find myself in a situation where an AWP would be a lot better to kill someone that's inside awp secret crossmap compared to an AK. Vice Versa, sometimes my AWP/Deagle isn't the best weapon if I'm pinned down in Medic. The weapons just give the CTs more options for if they want to use them or not, also if I want to use a different rifle mid-round I won't have to go back to armory.


One change I'd like to see is to move the rifles to the second page and the more useful and used items like medishots and tac grenades to the first page.

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