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  1. I tried connecting, and I also got the auto-disconnect message. I restarted the server, connected fine, played through a map, and joined the next map fine also. If it gives you the same problem when you join next, post here again and I'll try to dig further into it.
  2. Going off of the current forum layout, I would remove/archive the following sections first, just to get a few things out of the way on the forum, and start making Discord the place for these topics: Admin Complaints Player Complaints Appeal Ban Become an Admin Each server's section Map Suggestions/Removals Let's start there. They're not really used these days anyway, so we might as well move the center for these topics there, and make it known in the servers via adverts or whatever, that Discord is the place to report issues, make suggestions, and apply for admin. Just get the server-specific topics for suggestions/support moved over to Discord. The off topic sections I guess don't really matter one way or another if they're on the forum, Discord, or both, but I'd like to see all the stuff that relates to the servers in some way moved onto Discord. IMO let's start there. Details on what to do with the forum sections listed above can be figured out with time, whether they stay read-only or get hidden or whatever. For the time being it doesn't really matter if they're still visible on the forum and just read-only or whatever, but let's get these discussions at least established in Discord and go from there. Maybe keep them visible and just change the forum description to "To appeal a ban, please visit our Discord" or something along those lines. For now that's all just extra details we can get into later if we enable these topics in Discord to start with. I'd probably just use the website/forum at this point more as a dumping ground for information, or at least work towards doing that as things get moved to Discord. Lists of rules for various games/servers, list of servers, our history, staff, donate, and other important information, like you said. Whether that's one page, two pages, twenty pages, doesn't really matter as long as it's easy to navigate. If we use the forum just to post information, I would probably even remove dates being displayed on the posts just so we're not in year 2027 and still reading stuff from 2021... Simply removing the dates on information like that would avoid people thinking the information may not apply anymore or like things never get updated around here. More on Discord... In terms of Discord cleanup/layout/channels, I guess I'd say make it more game server focused. Right now, TTT is our bread and butter, so make it primarily focused on that server, and as additional servers are added, the layout can always change slightly as needed so we can adapt. I'll throw a rough layout suggestion out there so I'm not just saying "remove this, remove that". I'm not super discord savvy and I'm sure I'll leave some things out, and I'm not counting voice channels. Add a few channels, remove a few, whatever, just for a general layout idea though, here's something. --------------------------- COMMUNITY # announcements # donate SERVERS # server-talk # server-rules # list-of-servers # become-an-admin # map-suggestions # complaints # appeal-ban # suggestions GENERAL # introduce-yourself # general # random # gaming # moves-and-tv # food # sports # news-and-politics GAMES # some-game # another-game # something-else # etc --------------------------- Look at our Discord now, there's a lot of quiet channels we can condense/remove for the time being. I'm thinking maybe if we have fewer channels, there's less stuff to scroll through and it's more straightforward. No one's posted in the Insurgency channel in 2 months, remove it. Yes, I know we have a server for it, but with our current state, we don't need a channel for every single thing, keep it simple and don't keep dead channels. And if you look, everything in that channel is basically off topic and could just as well have been posted in the general chat. Obviously if the general chat starts having a huge amount of Insurgency talk, then it's probably time to make a dedicated channel for just Insurgency, but that's not the case. I'd apply that logic to just about any channel. Have a list of servers available to people know what we have, and have information laid out in a simple way that makes some kind of sense, but I think a bunch of active channels is going to look better than a bunch of quiet ones. That image is easier to maintain with fewer channels and not keeping the quiet ones around. Also whether they're regular text channels or forum channels, or whatever else Discord has, doesn't really matter as long as discussions can be had and info can be easily found. Just some thoughts to consider. As I said, I suggest making Discord more game server focused, as I think aside from simplifying everything, a small number of servers (and playing on them) need to be the main focus.
  3. I gave the BDs a heads up about stepping down a few weeks ago, and I think the time has come to inform everyone else as well. I've thought about it for a while now, and after more seriously considering it for the last couple months, I've decided this is just something I need to do. For a while, I was able to juggle the day to day operations of the community along with everything else, but I just don't have the time anymore. I don't feel right holding a BD+ title with that in mind. I'll stay on as a TA. With that said, I'm excited to announce that Caution will be resuming his role as President here at SG. Caution has been back for quite a while now and has added an immense amount of support to the Board after his return. We're glad to have you back Caution, and thank you for giving me the opportunity of running the show while you were away. Also a huge thanks to everyone I've had the pleasure of working with in my time back here for the last year. It's been an honor. The community is in good hands with Caution at the helm, and I look forward to what the future brings for SG. Catch you all in GunGame!
  4. I've always been an electric/razor fan back in the CSS days of PB, I remember a ton of different versions of those maps that were fun. Lot of others I enjoyed too, but just a quick glance at gamebanana brought back memories of these: Alcatraz: https://gamebanana.com/mods/79220 Space Jail: https://gamebanana.com/mods/79481 Vipinthemix: https://gamebanana.com/mods/79503 Electric VIP: https://gamebanana.com/mods/79236 Lego (to replace the current version on the server): https://gamebanana.com/mods/79403 or https://gamebanana.com/mods/79404 Too many others to name that I remember from CSS that may not have made it to CSGO. Note: I haven't tested any of these maps ingame yet, just a list of ideas to put out there for now.
  5. bump, we're looking to do this very shortly.
  6. Currently figuring out what other servers Zero wants to run.... muahahaha
  7. He's AO, not SM
  8. Discord Roles

    This is a guide on how to link your Forum/Discord accounts. Once you have set this up, you can: 1. Sign into the forums using Discord as your login method 2. Have your roles automatically synced on the main Discord server (discord.steam-gamers.net) Here's how to set yourself up: 1. Join our Discord server at discord.steam-gamers.net 2. On the forums, click your profile menu on the top-right, and select "Account Settings" 3. Click "Discord", and then click "Login with Discord" 4. Select "Authorize" when prompted 5. Adjust your settings if you'd like And you're done! If you become a Supporter or your ranks change in our community, then your rank on Discord will change automatically once your rank changes on the forum. Synchronization between the forum and discord happen every hour as well. If you encounter any issues, just reach out to a BD and they will help you out.
  9. awwwwyeahhhhhhh
  10. Continuing from Dominic's server thread... after reading some feedback on the Retakes server, I had some thoughts as well. Years ago before CSGO came out, I remember in CSS there were a lot of popular servers running only Dust2, or Office, or Crackhouse, etc. Would there be any interest in a server like this for the community in CSGO? If so, what would be the best map to run on it? Would you play if we decide to run a server like this? Your input on our servers is important to me so please share your thoughts.
  11. Hogwarts Legacy

    Looks pretty cool, will probably check it out.
  12. I had forgotten all about this map but seeing the screenshot brought me back. Went ahead and added it. Tested it out and pretty easy to breeze through this map though, curious to see how it plays when the number of players outweigh the number of bots.
  13. Since I've had to remove a few maps lately, I have added two new maps to the server today to keep the list full. gg_deagle5_4hm: https://gamebanana.com/mods/134385 gg_old_warehouse: https://gamebanana.com/mods/136013 If you have other map suggestions or notice maps on the server that are broken/glitched, be sure to let me know.
  14. Removed. If you find a working version of the map however, let me know.
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